Monday, December 31, 2007 D&C shoe shop@ Square2

Lady: Where are your shoes made in? Is it from China?

Salesman: No ma'am all our shoes are made in Korea.

Lady: Where? (looking as if she is hard of hearing)

Salesman: Korea, ma'am.

Lady: Which part of Korea? North or South?

Salesman: Korea (a bit agitated but trying to keep calm)

Lady: North or South? Because North is communist country you know?? (Giving that if-
you-really-imported-goods-from-the-North-you-die kind of look, plus government-
will-come-after-you look).

Me: Ma'am, I think all goods exported out of Korea are from the South. (wanted to
add that the only thing that they North is capable fo exporting is probably
nuclear stuff! Of course, I did not).

After that, salesman looks at me and I look at him. We both shook our heads knowingly. Guess this mature lady should have not been in Sqaure2 in the first place. She would be better off at People's Park or somewhere more befitting her age. She also reminded me that when I do grow older, I should see things with an open mind :)

REALLY going overboard...with all things Korean!

The Korean craze continues. Met up with some of my tour mates for dinner yesterday and even though we swore not to have anything that looks remotely like kimchi or Korean food, I went to buy myself a breaded sausauge from this snack stall at Vivo city. It sells only-Korean snacks.

This snack store is aptly called Dongdaemun, which is where all the cheap and fashionable stuff are. Lots of snack stores too. It is like the Ladies' market of Korea, or what we call pasar malam (night market in Malay) here in Singapore.

What else? I am going to Square2 again today!! Might most likely end up eating Korean food again or at least visit the Korean supermarket called Sol Mart. There are other restaurants offering Japanese and western cuisine too, so I am keeping fingers crossed that we will be eating at those places instead. Let me let you in on a secret though: I am having a craving for bulgogi!!! Hahahaha! Well, not so bad that I will die if I don't eat it today.

PLUS! I am wearing the pair of boots that I bought from that shoe shop that imports their shoes only from...KOREA!

No more cheese stix

Just came back from Burger King. Found out that they have removed cheese sticks from their menu and replaced it with drumlets.

Sorry, but I am no big fan of drumlets unless they are the hawker centre types (which I have recently learned how to eat in a public place. Used to think it troublesome due to oily hands).

Bought chicken tenders instead. Just lamenting how one great junk snack has gone down the drain and may never be recovered again. The worst part is that, we ask consumers may not be able to be heard (haven't searched for feedback site online yet). You see, was trying to write a complaint letter to MOS burger and got directed to their Japanese website. Now what would they people in Japan know about what the people in Singapore do?

Anyway, that is another story, which I am most likely to post in a while.

Meantime, I will grief a little before moving on...about the 'demise' of Burger King cheese sticks.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Camera shy

No it is not really that I don't like to take pictures. On my way to work today, just had this thought that I am still not very used to holding the camera and framing things. It is as if the camera owns me and not the other way around.

All this came about probably because I have been arranging my photos from my trip and I realised how far away from my object that I can be. As I am not very tech-savvy either, it is taking me longer to edit the picture. baby step at a time.

Smelly people

Why do people have to recycle their underwear?
Especially you males out there??
Don't you know that it stinks?? That it is big turn off?

What's that? You do not know what it smells like?? Let me tell you, it smells like salted fish..gone BAD!

Especially if you are on public transport and the area is enclosed...boy! It is NOT GOOD!

Friday, December 28, 2007


What's wrong with them????? They bring their kids to the library and they bring the portable DVD player with them. Mind you, it was an LG portable DVD player.

Of all things, they actually play DVD right in front of my very eyes?? Have they no knowledge what the library is used for???? Yes, it is supposed to morph into some social, interaction space bullshit, but to cause all that noise!!! And that parent still got the cheek to look at me in a puzzled way like as if to ask me,"What did I do wrong here?"

I can close one eye on irresponsible teenagers who blast their MP3 players, hand phone music or music from PSPs, BUT THIS IS A PARENT! If they cannot be good examples towards their children, then don't have kids at all. Or if they really want children, make sure they get the rules right before they come.

Up to this point though, I would like to applaud those parents who are able to teach their kids well before, during and after they come to the library. They are the ones who understand that with becoming a parent, comes responsibilities. Kudos to them. Unfortunately, they are also far and few, few and fewer.

Going overboard...with all things Korean

Ok, I know I just came back from Korea, but I have this bad habit of overdoing things. Like when I went to Hong Kong, I shopped a lot, but when I came back, I shopped some more!

This time it is no different. The only thing is that I am buying all things Korean! While I was there, I compared prices of boots. There was not much difference from the Korean import that I checked out before I left. I decided to buy it back here.

I bought them yesterday! Where did I have to go? Square2 at Novena where all things Korean are. Most of the shops sell Korean made stuff like clothes, shoes etc. Plus, it had a Korean supermarket. I went in to buy myself some more Lotte chocolates and instant noodles. Too bad the instant noodles are not the ones that I liked so very much from 7-11.

The range of chocolates are not as many as those in Korea itself, but I would rather it be this way. If not, where is the attraction for people like us to visit the country again?? is a delicate issue, trying to balance promoting one's culture and to bring in tourist income for its own country.

You would think that is the end. NO! I went to buy the Laneige sleeping pack! Why? I saw it at the tourist shop that sold Cordyceps. They were selling the same sleeping pack and stuff.

Well, hopefully that is it for now. If not, I will go broke.

Eye candy

Hmm... I was quite disappointed when my tour guide turned out to be a 40+ year old Shandong fella. Not much too look at and long-winded to the core of putting one to sleep.

Tour leader? Not my type either. Maybe coz he looks a bit 'Ah Beng', but he is a nice person though. Very soft spoken and a good listener.

Then comes tour photographer (Arc) who is soooo cute and soooo nice. He seems to gravitate towards me and my group of tour mateys too! Maybe it's coz we were the younger group among all the other family types.

Here's the photographer being photographed with me (NOT!). It was my friend! We were wearing same hat, different colour.Blind me got so excited that I thought it was me. Hmm...I know I took a picture with him. Too bad his eyes closed, but still cute. Heehee... .

In the house of God

I was attending Christmas mass on Tuesday morning when these two Filipinas sat beside me. I could still tolerate kids making noise as they sometimes cannot help it, but these two ladies were happily chit chatting away and it was really getting on my nerves!

I wanted to tell them what an old lady once told me and my friend at church: "You are in the house of God. Respect it and be quiet."

After some thought though, I did not do so. I thought we should emulate the all-forgiving God and see from their point of view too (Stephen Covey of 7 Habits). This is probably their only time for conversation and interaction, which is why they rattle away.

I can try to emulate God but I must admit that I am no God myself. Who knows when I will really blow up and yell my head off at someone?? Well... I will try not to :P

Thursday, December 27, 2007

New habit

During my travels, other than slapping on lotion onto every part of my body imaginable, I think I may be developing a habit I used to dislike quite a lot - blowing my hair dry.

Used to think it such a chore to actually take out that hair dryer and to have to hang your arms in mid-air, moving it back and forth, so that your hair would dry. Besides, I was not good at styling anything. So I decided from quite early on in life that I will let my hair dry, au naturel.

"There goes my theory of what the child sees, the child learns", thought I (Mum blow dries hair without fail). But I guess I am wrong. Looks like I am latching on and slowly getting used to the idea. It would help give my already flat hair, a little more lift and volume.

I do like the fact that my hair now looks more styled. Plus I think I should give my hairstylist more credit. After all, I am one of his walking advertisements. If I don't look good, how am I going to recommend others to go to him for haircuts and such?

Dr. Martens

From a long time ago, I used to have doubts about claims made by products from the cosmetic companies right down to the shoes that I wear. It states at the sole of the DocMarts that I now proudly own that it is "oil, fat, acid, petrol, alkali resistant".

Never really believed all that bullshit even though I used to own a pair of 16-hole (or was it called eyelet) boots by Doctor Martens in my uni days. Gave them away when I returned from studies as I felt that I could never wear them in such hot weather.

Vain me was going on a holiday to snowy Korea. This was when the vain-ness really showed. Did not want to wear no track shoes!! It is another fashion faux pas for me. If you are 12 and below and wear track shoes on a holiday, you are forgiven, but not for me!!!

Had to choose one that looked decent. Asked around and some friends suggested DocMarts! Again, there were lots of going back and forth between shops, if it is not that I was undecided, it was that the shops did not have my shoe size. Sigh...the wrath of having small feet, the size of a 4.

Finally settled on a red pair of Mary janes (I even had to consult friends on the colour of the shoe! How fickle can I be??!!) Travel mate replied my sms to ask me to get brown ones but housemate suggested red coz it is more unique. Heehee..glad with my choice anyway.

The real test came when I walked on snow and believe you me, it had f*&cking good grip!!! Plus the gel soles create a bouncy cushion that allows the shoe to move to the momentum of your body. This decreases the aches and pains I experience with not so good shoes.

Now I am a believer. If anyone came up to ask me about shoes for winter, I would just say Doctor Martens. No two ways about it.

Slap on the lotion

I used to wonder what the fuss is all about with lotions and skin protection products when I watched this particular Taiwanese programme on cable. Skin is just skin! Plus, with my oily face, I did not think it necessary to slap on more oily stuff on it. Lest I wanted to look like I had a perpetual UN-natural glow.

Well, all that changed when I went for my holidays. I started worrying about my skin cracking and was trying to find out which products to use to have the optimum moisturising result. Mum actually recommended olive oil, but I did remember a friend from France tell me that she actually got 'cooked' when she applied olive oil as a sort of protection for her skin. I guess she just used pure olive oil (for cooking maybe?)and did not use the right products. Plus I don't think it was a good idea to use olive oil as a protection against the sun!

After much 'research' and going back and forth between shops, I finally settled on L'occitane's shea butter body ultra rich cream. It had 25% guaranteed shea butter in its ingredients. Seeing that they had a traveller size hand cream tube, I bought that too and later, the face cream, which had SPF 15 in it. How vain can one get?? But really, I did not want cracked skin to spoil my holiday.

When I got to Korea, I diligently and religiously slapped on that body lotion, day and night. After washing hands, I would automatically whip out my hand cream (ok, I exegerate; I whip it out when I do remember).

Nevertheless, the process that seemed to be a chore and tedious regime seems ok now. It felt like I forgot to brush my teeth or wear my pants if I did not slap it on. My travel mate actaul wondered out loud as to whether we would still stick to it when we get back home.

I still do, but with some variation. I slap the lotion on only at night as it is too oily to walk around with during the day. As for the face? Boy! I was never so hardworking!

Now I know why the Koreans and Taiwanese slap on 110 products on themeselves!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Beautiful Korea

The living room of a traditional house of a rich family.

Frozen lake

The last supper at the Teddy Bear Museum

Charlie Chaplin at the Teddy Bear Museum.

Virgin hot spring experience! - Part 1

Ok, ok, so I dreaded this moment for the longest time. I almost went for hotspring in Taiwan but I did not make it. Chickened out. Gave no time as an excuse.

This time, it is in far-away Korea, a seven-hour flight away from sunny Singapore.

I was told to bring swimming costume and cap before the trip as, the tour leader explained, we were going to a hotspring. Yipee! I can actually wear swimming costume into the hotspring! I was so looking forward to this, I could hardly wait!

Guess what? When we reached there, the local tour guide told us we had to do the full monty!!!!! SHIT! So not prepared for it and really did not want to 'torture' myself that way. It was a struggle between a go or no go.

I gave in in the end. One of our tour mates told us that most of the time, there are only o ba sangs (old ladies in Japanese) who are using these hotsprings. It was quite a laugh, I must tell you.

First, we went into the ladies' locker and realised we had to strip there and then. One tour mate went to find out if there was a ladies changing room. There wasn't. She managed to find nice towels, face towels to be exact, to save our modesty.

However, the lady in-charge refused to let her take more than one, we had to go take our own. We did not know where to start covering!!

As we walked towards the hot spring pools, the lady in-charge was back at her work station. She insisted that we use the thinner blue tea-towel looking towels and made us return those thick white ones that we were clinging onto for dear life. It was a mad scramble to quickly cover ourselves up in that thin piece of cloth.

There were not much directional signage, and if they had, it was all in Korean. Can't figure out what it is. WE naturally just walked upstairs to where we thought were the pools. Then I heard one of the tour mates exclaim,"This is the male section!!!"

Man, I ran for my life, right back to the bottom of the flight of stairs. It was after much investigation, which involved lots of cautious steps and peeping, that we finally all affirmed that we were in the right section. Phew!

Friendship and love, love and friendship

There are 2 guys I like at the moment. One of them, I am not even going to discuss about, but the other...well, I would just like to say my peace here.

There have been several occasions whereby people have asked via my housemate, whether I was interested in this guy. The truth is, I am. But I also know that he has a girlfriend.

I don't believe in being bitchy and snatching him for my own. As I think I would not feel secure like this anyway. Who knows, one day, someone might just snatch him away from me the same way I did, to the other party?!

I would not be making any moves either,not going to be the one to ask "Are you interested in me?"As I don't want to jeopardise our friendship. I think having friendship is even more important than anything else. I don't want to end up being strangers or enemies if things did not work out.

Maintaining this friendship is not easy either. As observers (those people who have asked about my interest in him from my housemate) have already shown me that we have to be very responsible with our actions.

You see, the thing is, I feel that we can click very well and we start chatting quite quickly and easily, burying ourselves in deep conversation. This translates into "interest towards the other party" for the observers.

Observers are free to look on and free to talk. It is their right. I just believe that there is nothing wrong with me being just there for him as a friend (in the silly hope that one sun shiny day that something might happen), but I also know that my actions need to convey me as a responsible self and not mislead others to think that I really am going to snatch him away. This would also scare away would-be suitors from wooing me (Haha! As if!).

Monday, December 24, 2007

Thankful: 2

I am thankful that I have friends who care for me.
Friends who look out every step of the way for me.
Turn back to see where I am going,
Even if there are two steps ahead.

Friends who ask "what's wrong?" and "how are you doing?".
Friends who would not hesitate to slow down, stop, to listen to what I have to say.

There are friends who would walk ahead
Charging like there is no tomorrow.
These are friends I am still thankful for.
But they will also help to remind me to be even more thankful
To friends who care for me,
Friends who look out every step of the way for me.

LY, MV, this is for you. Thank you. I am thankful
To have friends like you.
Knowing that people like you exist makes living a little more worth it :)

Saturday, December 15, 2007


That is hardly a word to describe a parent, but that is the way I would describe my Dad.

I have never seen a dad so calculative before. Last night, I asked him whether he could send me to this place around Serangoon Road area. He at first agreed but after changing and getting ready to go, he started making a lot of noise about it being so out of the way and so inconvenient, that he is going to waste petrol as he was going to come home with an empty car.

I would have thought that the first thing that came to his mind would be the safety of his daughter or he could at least treat it as a time to leisure drive. I had a friend, whose dad was always so thoughtful and concerned that it touched me. He would not say no and would always offer to send or fetch us no matter where we were, especially if it was at night. It actually made me realise that my dad is very different from other people's dads.

I used to scorn at my god sis as my godpa used to ferry her from place to place, to and from school. I didn't think of it much as I thought that was a luxury afforded by people of a slightly better background (which my god sis is lucky to have). It is only really now that I realised dad is a little...weird.

Pardon me but I think there is no other way of putting it. He only thinks of things from money terms. Even when my mum is tired and needs a lift to somewhere, he would not fetch her unless he was on his way to do something else, a sort of by the way thing.

I get very angry with him for that as my mum is not physically very strong and so I used to chide him till he sends her.

Last night, nobody was on my side. My mum thinks I should not talk back to my dad (as I tried to reason with him, whether reasonable or not I do not know) and she wants me to empathise with my dad. Then, who, may I ask, is going to empathise with me? It is a constant battle ground at home, with me at the losing end. I probably should not be airing dirty laundry here but I do need to be heard.

Anyhow, my dad is my dad. At the end of the day, no matter what unhappiness I have, I can only either swallow it or to lock myself up in my own room and scream it off, without anyone knowing the real reason why for my sudden outbursts.

Nice lunch

Chanced upon a very nice Japanese restauarant at The Central yesterday.

It does not look like a Japanese restauarant at all from the outside. Its walls were all red. Walking further in, there will be a black section while the inner-most 'sanctuary' is purely white in colour.

In fact, it was my parents who discovered it when they were waiting for me to arrive.

However, the wait staff revealed that this restauarent belonged to a certain 'conglomerate' Japanese franchise with the frog as a logo. I was not too happy. Never really did like that chain of sushi restaurants, but I must say, the chef here was good. Here are some pics!

The view of Clarke Quay from the restuarant. The two tall sticks at the right hand side of the pic, are the sticks for reverse bungee jump. One is put on a capsule and catapulted to the air. Screams can be heard periodically. Hee, hee!

We rounded up our very nice lunch with a tofu cheese cake and hazelnut coffee. Hmmmmm.....perfect!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Just the other day, I was home alone eating a bowl of "Mee Hoon Kuay".

Suddenly, a whole bunch of emotions welled up in me. I started getting emotional (what's new?).

I was thankful that I had a bowl of food to eat.

I was thankful that the bowl of noodles cost so cheap, when all around me, prices of food and drinks have been going up in the name of inflation.

I was thankful that the auntie who cooked my food, cooked it with all her heart and even though she was old, used all her strength to painstaking pour my noodles into the plastic container.

I was thankful, that I am still alive to savour such simple and yet such good food.

It must be the Christmas season that had gotten me into such a reflective mood.

I just want to be thankful with all I have now and not grumble about what I don't. This festive season, I am not going to forget that somewhere out there, some child has got nothing to eat, no proper clothes to wear and living in a totally different sort of world, where the word childhood may not even exist; where beggging is called having a job and being sold off for prostitution is a way of life.

I want to be thankful.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I am a GAP whore!!!

Recently, I have been going in and out of GAP stores pretty often.

Firstly, I fell in love with the simplicity of their cuts and clothings. I would say, pretty smart casual without cramming one's style.

Then there is this whole thing about buying the right stuff for winter. I could only turn to Zara, Top Shop and GAP. In the end, I bought the most from GAP as they kept having so many offers. On top of that, my credit card gives extra offers too!

One night, while out dining with a friend, she told me she's a GAP virgin, ie she has not bought a single GAP stuff. I told her I was a GAP freak (I was coining this term from M.A.Cs customer info form. One ticks the "I am a M.A.C freak" box if they think they are one). Then almost immediately, she told me, "No, you are a GAP whore!"

Guess what? I really like that term!! I am not afraid to say that I am too!! Coz I just went into the shop again today, wondering around for a good half an hour, before telling myself I had enough to wear. I also had to remind myself that the GAP vouchers that I exchanged for using my credit card points were coming in the mail in about 3-4 days' time.

Phew! That was close shave. Almost parted with money again..hahaha....

Heart and soul

As I have started to blog, I managed to read about some of my friends' blogs.

I realised one thing in common: Once they have got something going for them in their lives, they kinda stopped much.

Hmm....since I am blogging so much, does that mean otherwise?

No, I will be out of action for awhile too coz I will go somewhere far, far away. Once again to heal my heart and soul, that seems to be ever so wounded by so many things.

No, I will be strong. I refuse not to be. I will walk with a smile, sun shining on me even if it is a grey day. I refuse to think otherwise.

In fact, I will give my heart and soul to laugh and play. Just you wait and see... .

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Team building cooking class

It was a bad start! There was a major jam on the expressway and I had problems with parking. Eventually though, I managed to complete my cooking crash course together with my team mates. Here are some pics:

Egg rolls. Notice those nearer the left have all got broken wrappers..not done by me. This other team mate who was quite individualistic and wanted to do it HER way.

Team mate making the crepe out of egg. Psst...he's a guy and I am ashamed to say, I think he can make better crepes than me. I will have to go practise some more.

The finished product: French onion soup with flaky pastry, egg roll with vegetable filling and black pepper chicken with stuffing. We did not win the best plating though.

Table set nicely for us to enjoy our hard work.

Bon Appetit!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


At about 9pm last night:

SMS to colleagues: Hurray! News of our bonus is finally out!

Colleagues' SMS back to me: Is it? Is the email out? How many months? Are you sure?

With the most EFFICIENT HR in the whole entire universe, they only released this piece of news last night after over one week of anticipation. Reason being that the newspaper already reported that government servants will be getting their bonus.

I think HR is a little sadistic too coz they like to make you lose hope first by making you think that we are not going to get it before finally breaking the news to us. Come on! It's the festive season and we want to boost the economy!!!

In limbo

Is it such crime, being separated or divorced? Does that mean that the separated or divorced cannot date or get into a new relationship?

I think the former is worse as it is like that person is in limbo, neither here nor there. That makes friends of the opposite sex tread with more caution too. Even us girls, when we find out that a guy is divorced, our first reaction is usually, "eeeh..."

Well, I guess this is more of an Asian mentality. People with a western outlook could be more forgiving. I may be wrong though. They may be outwardly accepting but inwardly rejecting and critical. Who knows?

Religion does not make it any better. The catholic church scorns upon divorcees and has many rules that surround the "blessed sacrament of holy matrimony". There is no such thing as a divorce in a catholic church. There is only annulment. Even that would take ages.

Is not our Lord the all-forgiving Lord Is not the parable of the prodigal son an example that our Lord forgives and loves us all the same?

No, it is said that there are church laws , canon laws to follow. Laws that should not be broken. What sort of law is it that pushes people away from God when they are most in need of guidance? Those who do not want to discern will just away from it all, leaving God and church forever.

Those who have more faith (or are living on the belief that they have more faith) are hanging onto a thin rope, risking talk behind their backs and some, carrying the burden and guilt (that is un-necessary).

Divorce in the catholic church, is still a stigma that is not often talked about. When the priests give sermons and homilies, they paint rosy pictures about creating and maintaining happy families. They try not to talk about the 'dark' side, in the hope that what people do not see and hear about, they will not know. Know that unhappy marriages and relationships exist. That some couples stay together only because religion/ church stipulates so.

Personally, if the church wants to move with the times, I think it is high time that they re-look and address this issue. They should not pretend that the problem is not there.

P/S: As always, with religious stuff, I have this disclaimer that all these are my own POV. Don't want to end up being open target. It is up to you, my reader, to discern whether I am for or against church lah. Cheers!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas is boring

This could only come from someone who is not a Catholic or Christian. To them, Christmas is just another holiday, a time to spend and buy.

It is quite understandable. That was what I thought so too for many years. Not anymore. Christmas is very much a religious thing (personally). It is the preparation for the second coming of God and the birth of Christ. It is a time where we start the so called planning for the new financial year, if one were to say it in plain terms. It is when we talk to our CEO, God, about what we plan to do or want to continue doing for the rest of the year. It is a time for reflection. As is Lent.

Therefore, unless you understand the true meaning of Christmas, you will always find it boring or a waste of time. DOn't blame you though. Some people may be Christians and they do not get it their whole life, let alone a non-believer.

I must admit though, for a single person, I can see why the festive season can get so depressive. I thought I would not be, but I WAS hit by the depressive mood. Everyone seems to have someone to pair off with while I am just an add on, a by-stander, an extra. It is all very nice that my friends invite me to do things together with them, but I still feel akward. It's just me, I guess.

Well, hopefully this depressing mood will pass. After all, the holidays are coming soon. Somehow though, I have a feeling I am yet another by-stander in this holiday merriment.

The most painful kind of love

The most painful kind of love, is the sort that you can only see but cannot 'touch'.

The sort, that is one sided, where you know but the other person doesn't know.

Where you silently and quietly walk by the person's side and support that person every step of the way without revealing your own feelings.

Where you listen with patience, to the other's happiness and woes and yet, you say nothing of your own.

Some say, this is the greatest kind of love, but to me, it is the most painful kind.

I know that if I said something, the worst could happen. Our eyes may never meet again, our paths may never cross. Ever. We might become complete strangers.

I know, as I have been there before and I don't want to be there again. It is a painful place to be.

Yet now, I do not know which is the more painful: to see the one you like and love and yet not be able to behold or to tell all and lose a friendship of gold.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

A developed country status with undeveloped habits

Singapore has acheived developed country status some years back. Obviously though, the social etiquette of its people have still lingered on like a bad habit that refuses to go away, and also very third world country-like.

What is scary is that these unfavourable social behaviours are not always shown by the older generation (which we could losely put the blame on the fact that they were migrants and could have brought their bad habits with them from their home country). It is actually the younger ones, teens who are showcasing unfavourable behaviour.

They have complete disregard for people around them and I fear, would lead to bad social skills in the future. In my times, when walkman was all the rage, hearing music coming from the headphones was already considered a big no-no. Now with MP3, these teens have brought bad social etiquette to new heights.

On buses and MRTs alike, they blast their music from their MP3 players or handphones, thinking that it is very cool to show off what they are listening to or that they actually have such expensive gadgets.

The point is, it is not cool at all. It is a social nuisance and it is disturbing and an annoyance to people around them. While one cannot stop others from talking too loudly in public places (which I so often am tempted to do. Blame it on occupational hazzard), I think that such public display of annoyance (PDA, not affection) should be pointed out and discouraged.

Had one crazy idea this morning while having my shower: We should make it mendatory for MP3 and handphone manufacturers to educate it's buyers. If their buyers were caught playing music too loudly, then both buyer and manufacturer gets fined.

Well, all this is just wishful thinking. It will never happen. Police will tell you they have better things to do then to stand around all day, waiting to catch people playing loud music.

What was I doing?!

I am so used to using gas hobs. Either that I must have been half asleep, or too anxious to cook my noodles.

I already knew what I wanted to eat this morning. Wanted to save money but more like wanted to eat my favourite sinful food, instant noodles. Not just any instant noodles, but Nissin Noodles. The one from the original inventor, father of all instant noodles.

I filled water into the pot. Put it on the hot plate and switched on the power point.

Went to take out the big, big bowl from the flatware drawer, opened the pack of noodles and took the egg out from the fridge. Not enough water for soup. Poured a bit more from the hot glass of plain water that I had just poured from myself a while ago. come water's still not boiling. It had been some time. Should at least make some sound.

Guess what??? I did not turn the knob to turn on the hot plate!!!!! How would it heat up??? Hahahahaha....what a joker.

Finally turned it on and got the water happily boiling away. Enjoyed my much awaited for noodles in minutes:)

Friday, December 7, 2007


Wish I could have taken a picture of this but in order to do so, I would have to sit on the opposite side of me, which is, practically speaking, impossible.

I was taking the MRT to work this morning and I found a seat. Or rather half a seat. I was squashed between 2 very big sized men. Actually, one was big sized, while the other, was sitting spread eagle style. Not only with his legs but his hands as well.

Why? Because he was reading the newspapers. Inconsiderate B@$t@RD. I literally had to squeeze and twist my body in order to 'sit'. I don't blame the other guy coz he was naturally big in size, but this guy, he was just plain inconsiderate. After a while though, I got so tired (as I need to constrict my arms) that I decided to stand up instead. Aaahhhh....much better.

Looking from another POV though, I am just wondering whether the seats were really made too small for bum 'consumption'? In the end, do we blame it on humans who are inconsiderate or the inate objects that are just there, as is (but also made by humans)?

Scrub, scrub, beat, beat, scrub

No that was not the washing of clothes but my hair. Was at the hairdresser's yesterday and this shampoo girl really used all her strength to wash my hair.

Was quite painful really but from her expression, I could see that she was really trying to do her job. In order not to to concentrate on the rough actions, I thought mentally to myself: "This girl will make a good wife coz she will be good at hand washing the clothes."

While she combed my hair, she tugged and pulled quite hard too! Sigh...It was almost the end of her day of work, so I shall not be nasty.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Taxi fare hikes

There has been talks recently on errant taxi drivers who tout, refuse to send customers from point A to point B simply because the distance was too near and lots more other things that customers were not happy with.

The LTA (Land Tranpsort Authority) also made themselves visible by getting mystery customers to catch these errant taxi drivers. They need to be seen as doing something to solve the problem.

What was all this hype for? To slowly make known to the public that taxi operators are going to increase the taxi fares. At first, there was this debate going on as to whether or not there should be surcharge during hours or that taxi operators should just increase the basic starting fare and do away with surcharges completely.

Slowly but surely, there were then reports on taxi operators saying that fuel prices have gone up so high that it is harder and harder to maintain low fares.

Then of course, it is out in the open now. Today, ComfortDelgro announced that there is going to be a fare increment. So much for being customer-oriented, which personally, I think they never were.

Oh, and what a time to announce the fare hike. It is less than a month to Christmas, where the whole world is out and about. All that we are paying does not even guarantee us good service at all times!

Lots of comments from public. Lots of complaints and noise, but as always, once it is a go for these people (be it bus fares or any other policies) there is no turning back. One can whine all they want but it is pointless.

Instead of complaining, why not be a smart consumer? You know you can't change the situation, so change your mindset! Isn't that what Stephen Covey was trying to tell all in his book "7 Habits of Highly Efficient People"? "Shift your paradigm".

How? Don't take taxis. Take the bus or MRT instead. Yes, you walk more and perspire more. It might mean the risk of ruining your make-up or even your high heels (which was what happened to me) but you can then spend your money elsewhere and not worry about your pocket running dry quickly. Besides, walking is a form of exercise too. You can then be fitter without having to pay for gym membership.

Plan in such a way that your activity is near a bus or MRT that can take you home conveniently. Don't stay out too late. Catch the last bus or train home. At least then, you don't need to pay for mid-night surcharge.

Well, at least, that is what I am going to do as I feel that actions speak louder than words. I am not going to pay for a service that will sometimes spoil my mood and cause me to end up feeling angry. I will also not pay for service whereby I become the victim and get scolded by the taxi driver. I don't need them to be patronising but at least have some basic manners.

As for those who think that you cannot live without this type of luxury, then you may want to give yourself a little wake-up call. There is no such thing as 'cannot go back to that kind lifestyle'. We humans are very resilient and adaptable creatures (as I have found out myself). It is just a matter of will power - a matter of 'want to, or not'.

Back track to 30th November

30th November was, in its own way, a day to remember. It was the closing of the library@Orchard, which was situated at Ngee Ann City.

This library, though not old and not so frequently patronised by me, brought back vivid memories.

I just came back from Switzerland. It was the new Millenia, the Year 2000. I was just wandering around Ngee Ann City when I chanced upon this place with a tranquil amnbience. I walked into it and it took my breath away. Never in my life did I ever imagine a library to be such a cosy place, and so different from other libraries. Not so...utilitarian. I even remember comparing it with the state library in Perth. That library, though big and impressive, did not command such an atmosphere. It made me want to linger, to soak in all that I could see and feel.

Later on, I was to use this library as an example during my job interview. I was asked what made me want to join the library. I told my interviewers that I was "inspired by the library@Orchard". The interviewers grinned and smiled knowing smiles at one another. They knew that that was their pride and joy.

Personally, to see the library close, is like lying part of my memory to rest. I may not have used it that often like the other 18-35 year olds (the specific target market of this particular library), but I certainly feel part of it. Now, I will not be able to point out to my next generation (if I am to have a next generation) that this was the library that inspired me.

There were tears shed that night as the door was locked and shut for the last time. There were staff who had been working there since day 1 when it opened. They could not bear to see it closed. Someone (one of the staff) questioned the need to cry and commented that there did not seem a reason to. What that someone does not know, is that the workplace has touched them (staff) in such a way that they feel they had to. None of us would know how much hardwork and effort was put in to run that library: the teamwork, the camaradie and so on. No, I don't think we have to right to question the outpour.

There were many occasions that night that I did want to cry too.Opportunities were aplenty as songs about good-byes and farewells were played. The sentimental crap person that I am really wanted to, but I did not. I held back. I cried in my heart instead.

Maybe it's because I don't to let people see what a sentimental fool I was. Or maybe, a special place needs a special way of saying good-bye.

Artists were invited to draw graffiti /works of art onto the glass walls of library@Orchard.

Our very own home-grown MCs (masters of ceremony) from NLB!

Performance by Olivia and friend (got to find out what his name is! Rude not to remember.Hahaha!!!)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A bad case of salmonella

Almost forgot to post this one.

Recently there has been a bad press about a big cake and bakery chain. There were 106 cases of diorrhea that were traced back to their chocolate cake and it is found that their chocolate cakes contained salmonella. Today, all the outlets were ordered to close.

I was buying dinner (ham and cheese croissant) from another bakery and this lady in front of me was paying. She told the lady not to pack one of the buns that she had picked as there was egg in it (salmonella could be caused by meats and poultry that are undercooked, raw eggs and water that contains the bacteria).

I mean it is perfectly fine if the lady did not want that particular bun. What I did not like was that she was pushing the bun away with her bare fingers (not the thongs that she had on her tray) and that same hand was taking out coins from her purse!!!! She pushed the bun away from her like it was diseased.

I am just wondering if the shop assistants will put the bun back for sale or whether they would be ethical enough to throw it away. To throw it away though, would again be quite wasteful. Just don't understand why people can be so inconsiderate. Don't they know that their hands contain germs too? And that coins are very dirty??

At first, when I read about the salmonella case on the newspapers, I thought to myself that this bakery is in deep shit. It looks like the ripple effect has taken place and the bakery industry is in some ways affected.

If ever there was OCD in minding people's Ps & Qs

I am just coining this term loosely, but if ever there was such a symptom in OCD (obsessive compulsive behaviour), I would be diagnosed with it.

Why? I cannot stop spotting strangers' unacceptable behaviour while I am out and about. If you have read my previous postings, you would have known that I dislike people who cut their nails in public. I also do not like people who are constantly touching and flicking their hair about in public. Who knows what kind of organisms live in their hair??

I cannot stand drivers who do not signal before they switch lanes and I hate it when kids do not give up their seats for older folks, be it on the bus or the MRT. I have this bad urge to go tell them off, except that I risk getting stared at by their parents (who do not, by the way, lead by example) and worse, get into a squabble.

I cannot stand people, men in particular, who do not understand what is personal space and social distance and stand too close till they are breathing down my neck. There are also those (men) who sit on the MRT seat spread eagle style, thinking that they are showing off their crowning glory down there. Or did they think it was that big in the first place that it needed so much space? There are still those, who prop their legs up on the other (no prizes for guessing which gender) and think that they are sitting with a cool pose, when in actual fact, the whiff of smelly shoes are quite unbearable and too in-the-face for those standing nearby.

I cannot stand people who do not know the logic that one needs to let people out so that they themselves can get in. This happens at entrances to lifts and to MRT trains. Even before one go move out, people start pushing you in. There are also those who cannot read arrows and stand right there blocking the entrance to the train doors.

I cannot stand that people do not stand on the left side of the escalators (or right, depending on which country) so that people in a hurry can pass through.

I cannot stand that people cough/ sneeze/ yawn without covering their mouth. After SARS, this simple action seems even more necessary.

Well, I guess there are too many things out there in the world for me to dislike and hate and I can only do so much as a nobody-citizen of the world. I can only shake my head, laugh about the whole absurdity of it all and blog it down to say my peace and for future laughter! :P It also goes to show, once again, that I am stickler for rules and I need to lighten up a little!


As I now take the public tranport more often, there are funny conversations that I get to overhear from time to time. Here are just a few to share:

Overhead while on the bus, on my way to work:
Girl A: Ay, so next week you want to go St James again ah?
Girl B: No lah! Next week...go Jook out lor!

The event is actually called Zoukout! But being the typical ah liens that they are, they have pronounced it in the very distinctive ah lien way.

Overhead while on the MRT, on my way home:
Auntie A: Woah! Where is this place?
Auntie B: This used to be the Ang Mo Kio Bus interchange lor!
Auntie A: OH! The bus interchange ah?? Not bad hor, now become such a big shopping centre.
Auntie B: Ya lor. Very big and very nice. Not bad, not bad..but then no more interchange.
Auntie A: Aiyo, so wasted, no more interchange.

The above conversation by the two aunties were spoken entirely in Hokkien. I almost wanted to tell them that they need not be so sad as the bus interchange has now been integrated with the shopping mall (Called the AMK hub). Air-conditioned bus interchange on one side and shopping mall under one roof.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jewellery-making class and my working style

I was really excited and anxious this morning as I was going for a jewellery-making class that was company-sponsored. We were supposed to learn about team-building.

Excited because I will be making a piece of my own necklace. Anxious because I was not sure where the place was and an email was sent out last week to remind us not to be late.

All went well: Found the place and was on time, learnt how to make necklace and was happily threading the semi-precious stones together when the guy who was at first sitting at the so-called reception area, came into the classroom to 'help'.

He zero-ed in on me and started teaching me how to choose the stones, which ones I should thread, etc, etc. Me sensed nervous vibes from him and I got even more nervous (bad habit of being affected by other people's vibes).

I was getting frustrated as I could not get both sides of the necklace to balance and irritated at the same time as Michael (as I later heard the main instructor call him) kept telling me what to do!!

Fluster and frustration degree 1: Decided to up and go toilet. Was urgent anyway. Very urgent. Nervousness did not help. Hope he gets the hint and move on to someone else.

Came back and Michael still continued to 'help' me! He kind of moved on to someone else but then came to stand in front of the class, facing me. I could still see him!! After a while, he came back to instruct me again.

Fluster and frustration degree 100: I told him to back off in the nicest way I could. I actually wanted to SCREAM at him, but decided to smile a very BIG smile instead.

Oh, don't get me wrong. The sort of nervousness and flustered-ness (if there was ever such a word) was because he was so over eager to instruct and not because he was cute. He was far from it.

It was then that I realised that I am also like that at work. I hate people breathing down my neck every 5 seconds, telling me what to do or asking me whether I have finished this and that or not (even though the favour was asked all of 5 minutes ago). I will just blow!!

The parallelism is quite scary, but quite amusing at the same time!

With God by my side

Sometimes, it is tough when you are all alone or when you feel that you are all alone. When the going gets tough, you do not really know who to turn to. Of course, I am not saying that my friends are not there for me. They are! There are just some things that you don't really share though (for me anyway) and that's that.

I met with another low in my so-called little career. I really wanted to quit. It felt like there was no other choice. I prayed and God asked me to for Christ@Work, and I went. Alone.

I did not really find definitive answers while I was there. I wasn't expecting to. What I managed to do was to become more positive about what I was facing at work and I know that God is with me every step of the way, whether I see Him or feel Him or not. He is moving me along. I think going to the conference is just a start, to move us along the way. The rest, is up to ourselves as to whether or not, we want to have God in our work and in our lives.

I knew that I was in the right place though for I made new friends and I that to me, is quite a start. Plus, I managed to meet some people who are from the same parish as me and are in the choir! It was as if, God knew I would meet these people and thus urged me to go. You see, I once belonged to a church choir, but I stopped going for some reason or other. I had been contemplating on whether to join one of the choirs in my present parish.

Difficult decision now is whether or not I should actually join the choir coz I am staying in a very different area from my original parish. Well, when the time comes, I will know what to do. For now, I will just sit on it a little.

P/S: as with previous posts, all religious thoughts and ideas are purely my own. You can agree or disagree, but I am not looking for any sort of argument. I am just penning down my thoughts. Thank you :)

My baby is sick!

Ok, I don't have a baby per say but there are TWO babies in my life right now. One is my iMac and the other is the family car, a Mazda 3, which I treasure very much and talk to it like I was talking to the family dog or cat.

My iMac is affectionately named Milou (Snowy in French, from the comic series TinTin) or simply, baby.

Brought it to my new place to use and thought that I could finally use the internet to blog, etc, etc. But somehow, it is not working it. Due to lack of usage, Milou is not properly charged and I careless went to put it on sleep. When I opened it up to use, the screen went blank. Didn't think much about it except that it auto shut down due to low battery.

Worry comes the next time when I tried to use it coz this time around, the processor would not stop whirring. Tried to hard boot as housemate suggested but it is no use. So the next best thing was to fully charge it up...still whirring the last time I tried to turn it on.

I don't dare to touch it now. Will bring it down to the shop to see what can be done. Hope there is still some hope. Will just die if it goes kapoot! :(

Friday, November 30, 2007

Missing the life

Riding on the topic of buses (please excuse the pun), I just wonder why I always miss the bus, or generally, miss the opportunity for things in life.

On Tuesday night, I just came out from the shopping centre when I saw the bus that would take me home. I had to cross the road to take it, but I could not. It was the red man. By the time I could cross, the bus had sped away as all passengers have boarded and also because the bus was blocking the crossing (it was a Bendy bus).

No choice. Had to wait another 10 minutes or so.

Last night, I went to pack dinner at a hawker centre. Hokkien prawn noodles. The old man was frying up a big wok of it. He was going to portion it out later. I thought, surely, I was going to get my share. To my dismay, I had to wait for the next round of frying. That took time. Another 8 minutes or so.

Finally got my packet of noodles and was on my way to take the bus, only to see it whizz away, liek it was afraid that anyone else (like me) would try to stop and board it. No this is not the first time this happened, and I am angry with SBS buses.

Waited another 10-12 minutes. Double waiting: wait at the hokkien prawn noodle stall and wait at the bus interchange.

Have I also missed my boat/ bus in life? Missed the chance to meet the right one? Of course, there is no such thing as "the one" or "the right one". It is just a figure of speech.

Well, until I meet my so-called "one", I can only wait... .

Precision timing

Just moved to my new place and the distance from home to work has increased tremendously. The strange thing is that, I am now able to get up on time and get to work on time, without having to rush at all. This proves my own personal theory that the further one stays from a certain point, the more punctual they would be.

Well, I digress a little. The point that I want to make is that I am really amazed with the SMRT buses. It just took me the whole of two days to figure out the timing of the buses and they are really precise!

On the first day, I missed the 7.14 am bus and had to take the 7.31am one. On the second day, I thought I would set out earlier to catch the 7.14am bus, only to see the 7.02am bus whizz by from a distance. Today, I reached the bus-stop at 7am. The bus came at 7.02am. Life is so much easier with such reliable timing. With SBS buses, it was never really so precise.

Of course, I have also learnt from my mistake and not take bus to work in the morning. For although I enjoy bus rides very much (one can almost always get a seat), the unexpected jams on the roads can be time costly. It took me 2 hours to get to work on the first day! Hahaha...what an experience!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"Jesus is the reason this season": A quote from the poster at St Joseph Church, Victioria Street

To many non-Christians, Christmas is all about Christmas tress, festive food, buying and receiving presents and sometimes even a waste of money and time. They do not know what the real purpose of Christmas is and they probably don't want to, as it is, after all, a religious celebration that some do not feel like indulging in.

For Catholics*, the Christmas period is a time of giving and a time of waiting. Waiting for the coming of Jesus (His birth in the past, and His second coming in the future). It is also the start of the new liturgical year (the church calendar).

This year especially, Christmas has a much deeper meaning for me. Even though I have been a Catholic for about 7 years now, I still was very blur about the celebrations...until now. Non-believers are not wrong in saying that this festival is more for religious purposes, for again, it is time for us Catholics and Christians alike, to reflect upon ourselves, how religious we have been and how religiously we want to go in the future.

No, I have no right to judge anyone here. Everyone has their own way of reflecting. For me, I chose to reflect (a bit) here, in my own blog.

Christmas to me then, is not so much about how many presents you can give or how big your presents can be but more of what you can give from your heart. The time you can spend with your loved ones, or the little donations that you give, be it the slavation army or to the charitable organisations in your church. Those can be more meaningful.

Think too, before you buy that present, whether you will be creating more junk for your friends and contributing to global warming (waste) and whenever possible, minimise on packaging :P

* All that I am talking about is purely my own opinion and is said in the capacity of an ordinary catholic. This is so as it is an area that I am most familiar with. I did not intend to offend anyone.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

To all public nail-cutters


Favourites venue for cutting nails: Public Buses

-Do you know that it is unhygienic?
-Do you know that it is actually littering (if you do not contain your bodily 'debris' and let it just fall to the ground?
-Do you think that the bus driver is your servant? That he or she has to sweep and clear up after you?
-For those of you whose religios beliefs are that what goes around comes around: Someone might be sweeping your rubbish now, but in your next life or your next-next life, better not question why you became the road sweeper or that you have to keep picking up other people's rubbish.

Second favourite place for cutting nails: Out of your window from your HDB flat.

-Do you seriously think that you can save on having to clear up after 'throwing'your bodily debris out of the window?
-Have you no conscience that your clippings may land on someone else's head (you might think it is not your business but what till it happens to you. Maybe not in the form of nail clippings but water or worse, flower pots)?
-Anyway, there are window ledges. Your clippings might just fall there instead. So
who is the dirty one now??

Friday, November 23, 2007

My own theory about my boss's conspiracy theory

'Tis the season again, for holidaying. I am really excited because I have already booked my tickets to somewhere (where, I shall not say), but everytime I think about holidays and taking leave, I feel a headache coming.

Applying for leave has never been quite that easy for me. It is through a computerised system and my bosses take ages to approve. There was this once when I was due to leave the day after and my leave was still not yet approved, officially!

So where did this conspiracy theory come from? Personally, I think they secretly use it as a tool to make you do things. They make your leave conditional. "If you are not able to finish this piece of work, then you cannot take leave."

It is of course, not unreasonable of a boss to demand so, but just a little demeaning to any staff. I wish there could a better way to go about handling such situations (the bosses I mean). Could they not think about reverse pyschology? If they approve my leave sooner, I could look forward to my holiday and therefore would work doubly or triply hard? No, I guess they did not think of that. They only thought about power and control :)

As for me, I found a way out of all this. Thank goodness (in a way) that I can swap off days (for even though mine is a five day work-week, we are not spared of working on weekends). I managed to swop my off days to the days that I wanted to take leave. In this way, I am guaranteed that I can get away from office while saving on my leave. Don't need to be at the mercy of my bosses (sort of).

Posting about my postings

I was just browsing through my own posts when I realised that ALL of my posting headings have either a question mark or an exclamation mark. I think I better stop doing that...NOW!


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Christmas is near!

Lovely tall X'mas tree that has donned the atrium of this building for as long as this building was here. I never really appreciated it much as there were always hordes of people cramming to take picture with the tree.

This time round though, I walked pass it after all the shops have closed and there is a beautiful serenity surrounding the tree that I had not appreciated before. Yes, there were still a few, like me, who wanted to capture the whole of the tree, but just being there at that moment made me feel all a nice way. Not the I-want-to-buy-many-things-for-Christmas way.

Why am I such a stickler for rules?

This morning, as I was taking the MRT from Bedok, I was again mentally complaining about how people do not follow rules. There are designated 'sides' for them to walk so that there is some form of human traffic flow.

It was then that I realised that I grumble, comment and mentally police lots of, if not most things. People jay walking, people not standing on the right side of the escalator, people invading into personal space, how people should behave when they let other commuters out of the MRT/bus/lift, the list goes on.

It also suddenly dawned on me that this sort of attitude could have stemmed from too much of Captain Planet (cartoon) when I was young-er; to want to make things right and to do things the right way.Then I also realised that cartoons are not that bad after all as they are almost always good against evil. Even if the children do not see it now, they may see it years later, like me (though I know it is a little late, but better late than never!).

Do not take it Light-ly!

Christmas is fast drawing near and as I crawl through traffic to get to Takashimaya, I can see that our economy has indeed been doing well. Lots more people were out shopping and lots more tourists were seen. Another good indication of increased wealth and employment, is the number of cars that are seen on the road.

Even if these cars were bought through loaned money, it still means that people have the means to actually service their car loans. It is no wonder that the government would want to extend the toll fee paying hours to 10pm at night for the city area, and at such time too (Festive season, when everyone needs to get out and get stuff).

What makes me appalled is the number of cars who do not turn on their headlights or turn them on 'wrongly' at night! Many a times, I have seen people who have been driving around happily without any headlights and I had to use hand signals to let them know.

There were other times when drivers are too over-zealous about showing off their fog lights and have turned on all four (2 headlights plus 2 fog lights). These are awfully hurting to other drivers' eyes and on top of that, didn't somebody tell them that it is illegal to switch on fog lights??? I know my dealer did.

Then there are those who are neither here nor there. They cannot decide what sort of light to use, for they have only turned on the small lamps and not the big headlights. In other words, they did not turn the full round of switch (in the car). That can be quite dangerous too!

Now, where are the traffic police when you need them??? All at the ASEAN summit, busy with the road blocks! Ahhahahahahaa.....

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Why can't parents be more responsible?

Parents, I have seen more than a few, especially in my work environment.

What I do not understand is that, if they have all the strength and power to give birth to their children, then why don't they have the strength and energy to discipline them?

I have seen some who have diligently briefed their children before they enter the library, on how they should behave. I have also seen those who have sat there and done nothing while their kids run amock all around the library. Still there are those (whom I think are the worst of its kind) who show bad examples by chit chatting loudly while their kids run amock.

Or perhaps, the concept of a library has changed so much that we would also need to change our expectations of them? From my perspective, the parents and kids have begun treating the library as a playground while some parents have even treated it as a childcare centre of sorts. They would leave them alone for half an hour, one hour, sometimes more, while they go and do their 'grocery shopping'.

I think it is really no fault of the children's as they are after all what they are: children! With such an urban environment as our country, there are less and less spaces for the children to run free. For me, we used to have kampungs and such. For them, they only have the playground downstairs or the water fountain at Bugis, and now Vivo City.

They are so full of energy that they need to let some of it out. As literacy is stressed upon a lot nowadays, it would be nice to be seen as bringing your child to the library (as opposed to simply going to the playground).

No, I don't blame the children but I am worried about what examples we as adults are showing the next generation.

My favourite French singer!

She was the first French singer whose CD I bought while I was studying in Suisse. The second singer I listened to was Patricia Kaas. Segara's voice has not 'failed' me, in the sense that I did not make the right choice in listening to her.

It was also recently that I found out, she was the one who acted as Esmeralda in Hunchback of Notre Dame: le musicale, and I have already heard one of the songs even before I watched the musical at the Indoor Stadium. The song is "Vivre".

Was I in the wrong?

Just a few days back, I was driving and nearly got into an accident! A bus was turning and I almost rammed into it. I was in great shock and it did not help that an old man sitting in the bus was pointing an accusing finger at me.

This is not the first time I have met with this in the Tampines area. The last time, I was driving pass that infamous stretch between the mrt and Tampines Mall where people like to jaywalk. When I drove passed and honked at the jaywalkers, they glared back at me as if I was the one in the wrong. It made me think twice as to whether I really did beat the red light, but I WAS very sure that it was the green light! I am beginning to wonder whether it was my own eyes that played tricks on me and did not see the red light, or are drivers and pedestrians alike, so reckless here.