Thursday, January 31, 2008

Overhead again, the next day

Ok, this time, it was a bunch of aunties speaking Mandarin. I shall translate it into English.

Auntie A: Woah! Have you bought your bak kua yet?

Auntie B: No ah! They say there is this famous place in Chinatown...super long queue!

Auntie C: Huh? Is it? Where is it? What is it called?

Auntie A: Hiya! Lim Chee Guan lor.

Auntie C: Huh, Lee Chee Guan ah?

Auntie A: Ya, Lim Chee Guan (pretending not to hear the mistake. Or maybe she really did not hear). Very long queue one ah.

Auntie B: Aiyo, I heard that the queue is so long, it stretches across the bridge ah!!

Auntie A & C (in unison): Huh!!! Really ah??!!!

Announcer: Simei, Simei station.

All at once: Aiyo, time to get off lor. Let's go, let's go.... the month of January

Yesterday, I boarded the train with a bag of roasted sliced pork (bak kua)* from Gim Tin Heong. This lady (woman A) shot a look at my paperbag and turned to her friends:

Woman A: Eh, have you all bought your bak kua already huh?

Woman B: No leh. Why? Which one is good huh?

Woman A: Aiya, Lim Chee Guan lor.

Woman B: Aiya, I heard that one must queue very long one leh.

Woman A: Ya, must wait at least one hour I think.

Woman C (looking rather proud that she knows it all): What one hour? They queue for one hour and then change person to continue queueing ah!

Woman A & B (in unison): Hah??!!!

While I, still listening to my MP3 player, I was half sniggering to myself coz I know Lim Chee Guan may not be the best bak kua around. These women just wanted to be boastful about the fact that they know where to get the 'best' sliced pork. Had to be such show offs.

It only became famous since someone decided to create a queue. In Singapore, if there is a queue, it is supposed to be good. Sometimes, the people do not even know what they are queueing for.

Once a queue forms and word spreads, even ordinary-tasting food becomes gourmet. As for Lim Chee Guan, I will try not to go there for there were reports some years back that they cheated weight on the customers. That means, if I were to buy 1kg of sliced pork for Chinese New Year, I may only get 900g or something like that.

*For my non-Singaporean friends:
Sliced pork or bak kua, is roasted pork meat in thin slices. It could be from one whole slice of meat or it could be minced meat pressed together to form a thin sheet. Apparently, the whole slices are slightly tougher on your teeth. It is one of the must-haves during the Chinese New Year period. My Muslim friends have a halal version called dinding.

What did I say about paying more and more?

Here's what's happening: after giving you a token sum called bonus, the government expects you to become a millionaire of sorts overnight (that is only for government and SOME government-related departments. Other private companies may or may not have gotten theirs). They increase anything and everything. Yesterday, news was out about the ERP increase.

While ERP charges increase, the Land Transport Authority's (LTA) Raymond Lim promises better, faster, public transport (bus) routes that are more comfortable . This is in the hope of enticing more to opt for public transport rather than to buy and own a car.

They also announce that there will be a permenant decrease of 15% in road taxes. It might look like a ploy to shut the people up but to me, it is a fair enough deal to take some and put some back. Really though, is it a wise move? For me, I would rather feel the pinch once every half to once a year (when we pay road tax) than to have to be reminded daily that money is going out from our pockets.

Even with these carrots dangling, I find mixed messages being sent to us. I realised I am not the only one. One moment you are telling us that we should cut down on driving and take public transport in order to reduce pollution and save the environment. On the other hand, you tell people that it is ok to go out and buy cars and drive more comfortably on roads.

Why am I so confused? I am a driver too, but now an occasional one. I used to drive down to Orchard Road sometimes, after work, so that I could destress and indulge in some retail therapy (that is also helping to boost economy, right?). Now I don't because the full day ERP charges were implemented there and car park charges have gone up way high. If I had wanted to take the public transport, I would have done so long ago. The only reason for not doing so, is so that I can sit in the comfort of my own car, listen to my type of music, and not have to squeeze with tens of thousands of other people going home from work and the occasional irritants who blast their music from their handphones and/or MP3 players.

I will NOT sell away my car either coz it's my baby (Haha...I know this sounds funny but this has always been my dream car since the Mazda Astina times until it morphed into Mazda 3).

For now, I will just sit on it, till the day when I can find a solution to the issue of whether to own a car or not.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Lord, give me the strength

Lord, give me the strength
To find courage and confidence
To get through the day,
To continue with my work.

Lord help me
In all the difficulties
That I may meet during work.
Let me not give up.

Lord, give me the strength
To find meaning in my work again,
To see the light at the end of the day.

Lord show me the way, show me the way
For this lost sheep would like to see the light of day.

Numbers=tangible, non numbers=intangible

It is an unspoken fact that Singaporeans are crazy about numbers. That lucky draw/ raffle ticket number could be your next inspiration for 4-D or Toto bet. Accidents on the road causes massive traffic jams, not because it was that major an accident, but because every single passing car is slowing down to copy down the car plate number to buy 4-D/ Toto later.

It is no different in the working environment. Numbers speaks volumes. It was a constant struggle between qualitative and quantitative. I attended this sharing sessionby David Gurteen yesterday and he talked about social tools. We later split into groups for a session of what he calls Knowledge Cafe, where there is no right or wrong answers, and everyone just shares.

We were talking about blogs as a social tool in our group and how we track the effectiveness of it all since is is used as a tool to desseminate information in one of the institutions. One of its major indicators is through the number of hits.

Another member of the group who came from the same institution pointed out 2 very interesting points: one being that we should stop looking at statistics and numbers as key indicators and effectiveness and the other is that,"how can we use social tools when we cannot even build up a social network?"

In other words, he was trying to say that: one, some people do not have the necessary social skills to build social networks and two, social tools/technology are making people void of socialising skills.

I totally agree with him and while, I am all for embracing new media and technology, I am also worried about the side effects that it is going to bring upon our society.

While I am already sucked into this new media frenzy (blogs, mp3 players and so on), I am one who is always for intangible things. One cannot just become a reader, one grows to become one.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Of twigs, twines and creepers

Last Friday, my housemate and I met up for dinner and shopping.

When we took the MRT home, there was quite a 'sight' to behold, a free-for-all show. We were seated in the 2-seater, near the divider between 2 cars of the train. Right across from us was a young Malay couple. The girl was very 'tired' and was trying to find a comfortable position to rest. All this while, her hand did not leave the 'sight' of her boyfriend's (I presume) thigh. In fact, it rode higher and higher up his groin.

They finally came to a comfortable 'position' whereby the guy put his bag pack on top of his lap to act as pillow for the girl. While my housemate did not really think much of it, I wandered out loud (to her of course. Not that loudly)as to whether he was covering up something else of his own!!

Just when we thought this was way too much PDA (public display of affection)my housemate informed me that from her POV (point of view) there was something more 'exciting' going on. This Chinese couple was standing at the divider, entwined together, engaged in very serious smooching, make out.

My housemate and I could not stop giggling like silly school girls. I wandered if these kids (which I have no doubt they are) were so desperate that they needed to have such PDA. Go find a room!!!

My housemate reasoned that it is because they have no money and they don't have their own pad that they therefore resort to this.

Because I could not see from my side , I kept asking my housemate for updates of the Chinese couple.

"So, what is going on now?", I ask.

" looks like the whole face kena* swallowed. Muarhahahahaha......!", chuckled my housemate.

We looked at each other for like, one second, and laughed some more. All the time, trying to stifle our laughter for fear that we may get beaten up (NOT!)

By now, I think the Malay couple caught our drift and they started behaving themselves a little more. Or was that the look of irritation on the girl's face? She shouldn't be.

Then my housemate updated me:"Woah! Now the girl touching the guy's butt already!"

I wondered,"How is he going to get off the train without showing his rock down there? Carry her like a mannequin to block it? Oh, his t-shirt quite long. I think can cover lah! Hahahahaha!"

My housemate then gave me the idea for the title of this posting. She said the Chinese couple looked like twines and twigs (because they were so skinny and entwined together). She did not know what to name the Malay couple and so I suggested "creepers". Creepers grow close to the ground and expand kind of sideways. Their actions look like just like that.

I hope that these couples realise that this sort of PDA is not cool at all. It is a very juvenile sort of action. If the public want to watch, they have every right to. The couple in question cannot blame them for staring as they were the ones who chose and decided to make out in public anyway.

I used to feel embarrassed for such couples and embarrassed to watch them as well. Now, I sort of stare shamelessly in the hope that they realise that it is not nice doing this in public and to stop. Teens being teens, they seldom do.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Hip! Hip! Hooray!

I bought my 1460 8 eye Doctor Martens boots yesterday!

I call it matt gold while my housemate calls it bronze. Say what you will but I am just happy like f*@k.

Actually, I just accompanied my housemate to get her pair. She was already eyeing it when I bought my first pair.

The guy from the shop could still remember us. He asked my housemate whether she was the one who could not find the right size. We both laughed like mad!

Then I asked to try a pair for fun (which is of course, the pair that I eventually bought). Man, it was, according to my housemate, so me! I was a bit doubtful (course I have never ever bought such a colour) at first, but I bought it in the end.

Why? Because if we bought two pairs, both of us will get 15% discount. Well, that just did it for me. I HAD to get it! After all, it was going to benefit the BOTH of us! Hahahahaha!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Higher standard of living OR paying more and more

Recently, there has been an increase in cab fare because apparently, the fuel has gone up so bad, they need to cover costs. There has been an increase in bus fare, for the same lame reason. Flour prices have gone up. Egg prices have gone up. Sugar prices have gone up. Therefore hawker food and coffee prices (at hawker centres in general) have gone up too.

Just a few days back, SISTIC, one of the ticketing companies that sells tickets for performances and such, increased its administrative charges. When it first introduced this administrative charge, many members of the public had already made lots of noise. They did not see the need to pay extra, but with all things here in this sunny island of Singapore. All things will go ahead as planned.

This is how it works. If you buy a ticket that is $20 and below, you will only need to pay $1 administrative charge on top of your ticket price. Anything that is above that would have an administrative charge of $2 tagged to the ticket prices.Now, instead of $2 SISTIC is going to charge $3.

It may not seem like a lot to some, but small things do add up. If I watched 10 performances in a year, it will be $10 more that I will have to fork out. Let's say I pay $3 for each meal, $10 can feed me for a day.

I am very upset as I am a lover of the arts and I try to support it as much as I can. The government did say that it wanted to make the arts more accessible and get more of its people to appreciate it. This is just not the way. What sort of an administrative charge is there, when we need to collect the tickets on our own from the counter (even that has a $0.20 charge!) and the Internet system is so slow that you may not get your desired seats simply because the browsing period expired.

I think the cheaper alternative would be to stay at home to watch t.v. programmes. Better yet, read a book. In that way, I only need to pay for energy usage for the lights.

I don't mean to sound like a complainer. I don't think there is much use in complaining. It will fall on deaf ears anyway (which is why I have not bothered to write to the Forum page in Straits Times). I will just bitch about here and get on with life.

Anthony Lun

Remember I said that this person, Anthony Lun, was a great show producer and arranger for music? Well at least I mentioned it in one of my Sandy Lam postings. Here he is.

He was actaully a singer, and still is, but he found his forte by being in the back-end, becoming a song writer and producer. With him as producer for big shows and concerts, it is always a treat for audiences to watch.

Commitment issues and such.

It might seem far-fetched to link mobile phones with commitment issues but I am just going to do that. How did I come to this conclusion? It all came about in the spa parlour that I had my massage at.

It was my off day yesterday and I have booked myself a slot to do massage and facial. It bloody took my whole afternoon and a big part of my day off! Then again, that is another story.

I was given the lavender massage oil as it will help me relax and I was drifting in and out of sleep peacefully, until, this stupid woman came in for her own session, bringing her mobile phone into the massage room with her and having long and loud conversations about which stocks and shares to buy. No really, I did not need that. there was one time when I got a shock and thought it was my own alarm when her phone rang. You see, I use my mobile phone as an alarm clock too.

My thought at that moment was that, if you have already committed yourself to relax and give yourself some me time, then why torture yourself (and others) by picking up the phone and 'stressing' yourself out with all the calls. Personally though, I think she quite enjoys the 'stress'(which is why I put it in inverted commas) as she wants the whole world to know how 'important' and asset rich she is.

It is like those people who attend courses and yet still pick up phone calls from their mobile phones. It doesn't matter if s/he walks to a corner to whisper. That in itself is an issue. You signed up for the course and made a commitment to attend it. Honour your commitment.

It is also like those parents who are so-called having some family time but yet, time and again, picks up business calls and discusses work over the phone. You say you cannot help it, but you actually can. It is a choice that you make.

In the previous spa parlour that I went to, posters were put up to remind customers to switch off their mobile phones. They are encouraged not to pick up any calls at all. In that way, they do not disrupt their own therapy session and they do not disturb others.

In the restaurant that I used to work at in Switzerland, my boss pasted posters around the restaurant telling customers not to use their mobile phones too. If he ever hears so much as a ring, he will come out from the kitchen, pull the customer aside and give the person a good warning and a lesson on etiquette.

I have always tried to stick by the rule of "do unto others what you have others do unto you". I will continue to do so.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cool arrangement

I went for Sandy Lam' concert when she came in December 2006. I felt that the new arrangement for this song is so cool. Anthony, the person who did the arrangements for this song and the producer for the whole concert, did a fantastic job.

Too bad, the (I suspect) illegal recording of this video did not do justice to the music, plus there was actaully a part where he played solo on the piano, which is not shown. Pity, for that was the most fantastic part.

Song of the moment

Somehow, I am very drawn to this song nowadays. Plus I just sang it in the karaoke. It is a sad but positive song, so I will learn from the positive bit and smile :)

No lah, plus I am trying to familiarise with attaching stuff from YouTube :P

Monday, January 21, 2008


Guess what I had for dinner last Friday?? Korean!!!!

Hahaha! You can officially call me a lunatic now. We went to this very authentic Korean restaurant called Manna and had dumpling steamboat. Fantastico! Soup was spicy, beef was tender and dumplings were just wonder-licious!

What was more fantastico was the sides that we had. It was so delicious we asked for second and third helpings. For free! Yum!

After the very satisfying meal, they served us watermelon (a norm with all the Korean restaurants that I went to) and....chilled ginger tea with a single pine nut. Wonder-licous!

Technically speaking, it is not the first time that I am eating from this restaurant, as they do have outlets in food courts and one of them is at Tampines Mall. They make a mean BBQ anything and their rammeun, super authentic. Totally black bowl of stew slopped onto oodles of noodles, just how the Koreans like it.

For those of you who are wondering where Manna is:
101 Telok Ayer Street
Singapore 068574
Opening hours: 11.00am-3.00pm, 6.00pm-10.00pm

For the budget conscious (but still very delicious):
-Takashimaya Food village (B2)
-Tampines Mall food court (Level 4)
-Millenia Walk food court (Level 2)
-Lau Pa Sat (Stall 91)
-Woodlands Mart Food court Blk 768

What a day!!

It must be a blacker than black Monday ever! Even having the car did not save me from being late.

Started our from the house at 7.30am. It should be quite safe to allow 1 hour for travelling time, but no! Just as I turned into TPE (Tampines Expressway) the vehicles started to crawl. I was stuck there for a good half an hour or so before my car could travel at 70 km/h (instead of the usual 90 km/h).

As I was listening in to the radio while stuck in the jam, I came to know that there was a glitch in the SMRT station. It was more than a glitch actually. The maintenance train that was supposed to maintain things needed maintenance itself!

Haha! What am I talking about? The maintenance train got stuck between Tanah Merah and Simei station and could not move.

That is disastrous! You can imagine what chaos it has caused. Let me tell you anyway (as I have been in such a situation before). It will be train after train loads so packed with people that one is actually smashed against the door. That is if you are lucky. If not, you may have to wait for one, two or even three trains to come after that before you can attempt to board.

As I made an exit at Upper Changi Road, there was another bottleneck jam. Shoot! Going to be late for sure this time. No use fussing or worrying. Better to concentrate on driving.

Almost got 'kissed' by this ugly blue0ish, green-ish Nissan Latio. He was filtering out from a minor Road (Loyang coming out to ECP)and he went over the floor divider (this triangular looking thing that is painted on the road to make sure cars keep to their lanes as they are filtering out).

OK, so I let this SBS bus filter out illegally like that, but that's only because, IT IS A BUS! For one, it is too huge a vehicle and for another, I could afford to let a whole bus load of commuters save some precious time. Bus driver was also kind enough to make sure I gave way to him. It was a mutual understanding.

This, this stupid Nissan Latio, just charged out of no where (from my blind spot) and nearly knocked into my left bonnet. Even after I horned at him and gave him a dirty look, he still charged right on, making known that I should give him way, What arrogance!!

What can I say? Our traffic police are so good and efficient on our roads, you cannot see them when you need them. Besides, if you do spot them, they are probably busy reasoning to some distraught fellow as to why they need to write them a speed ticket.

As I was about to turn into my work place car park, this traffic police (there you go)was waving instructions to tell me to park elsewhere! Man, I thought the car park was already closed last week. Are they still renovating the whole place? What is taking them so long? I made a detour to park elsewhere. What made me boil was when I passed by the said 'closed' car park and found cars parked there! From what I figured, it's either the barrier or card reader that is not working or they are trying to regulate traffic flow. You see, this car park has got 2 gantries and there is practically always a jam.

It was the last straw when I arrived at my office. The staff lift had a maintenance sign put up at the door. Well, it is a 22 year-old lift. Can't blame it for breaking down like that. Anyway, it id not so often that it breaks down. I was not going to climb 3 flights of stairs. Too tired from all that driving and negotiating. Decided to work at Level 1 instead. There are PCs there too.

Well,after all this drama, I think the rest of the day should be better. Hahaha!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Left? Right.

Yesterday, two of my China-Chinese friends left for their hometown, China.

If it were me ten years ago, I would have been exceptionally emotional. I would have gone to the airport to send them off and I would have cried buckets.

Not that their friendship is not important to me. It is in many ways, and more so than some of my other friendships. It is just that over the years,I think I have mellowed. There is not much energy left in me for such...melodrama. All my emotions, all that I feel, is kept aside, in one corner of my heart, somewhere.

We came to know one another about one year plus back. There's a lot that I have learnt from them and hopefully, them from me. We spent many good times with one another too. These are good enough memories for me.

Well, at least I know that with the help of technology, we will still be connected.

Actually, I don't know how to describe how I feel now. It's a bit like losing a limb and I still cannot feel a thing- Numb. I think it is going to be like that for a while...but it will pass. At least I still have other friends around :)


Yippeeeeeee!!! I just signed up and paid to go for Korean language lessons and it's going to start in February!


I am going to study with my colleague, which means I can have someone to practise it with. Hopefully, after 10 weeks of lessons, we can at least manage some simple conversation.

I still find it unbelievable though, how a simple Korean drama can set off a whole domino effect on a country's everything. From it's economy to it's culture.

Even for this tour that I went for in December, the tourist spots that we visited were based on the actual filming grounds of the different drama serials. It was also through its drama serials that I learnt about how Koreans are very respectful towards their elders: they do not see them directly in the eye, but lower their heads when speaking to them.

To blog or not to blog? That is the question

As I am exploring this new world of blogging (and getting very addicted to it), I realised I am torn between the dichotomy of freedom of speech/thought and self regulation.

Blogging sort of started as a form of personal online diary, where one could air their personal views about situations and matters that they face everyday. Blogs of today however, have evolved into many other things other than just an account of day to day happenings. It has become an information centre for some and marketing tools for others.

Rather than having freedom of speech/thought, I find that one has to be even more careful of one's subject matter, language used and how one 'angles' one's views.

If we talk about work, how are we going to 'angle' it in such a way, that we show maturity and responsibility for whatever we are talkign about (work, that is)?

If we are talking about politics, how are we going to 'angle' it in such a way that we do not get into trouble with the law and yet, get our views across?

There are some netizens out there, who obviously do not care for such rules. They continue to say what they want. They have exercised their freedom of choice. I salute their bravado.

On the one hand, as I blog on, I have become more conscious of what I blog about. As much as I feel like saying "I don't care", the policewoman* in me feels that I need to regulate myself.

On the other hand though, it is kind of sad, for then, the blog is no longer a true representation of one's thoughts and feelings towards person(s) or situation(s).

Well, I will try to stay true to myself on this blog of mine. If I am not able to, I think I would rather not blog about it.

*My dad said on several occasions that I must have been a policewoman in one my past lives. This is because I am such a stickler for rules and laws. I even reprimand him for jaywalking :P This imagery has kind of stuck in my head and it has also reminded me to lighten up a bit.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


OK. So I wasn't wrong when I said that Lotte was a conglomerate. Just check out their website and you will see what I mean.

They have got lots and lots of different chocolates and candies. I did not even know where to start when I was at their 7-11/ Family Mart.

Then of course, there was Lotteria. My travel mate could not figure out "what the hell is lotteria?"

Well, I figured that it could be Lotte + Cafetaria. I also figured out that they like to add "ia" to the back of words or the word "pia" to the back of words to mean something. Words like waterpia, space pia, for example. I reckon the word "pia" must mean world or something close to that.

The only time when I ate Lotteria food was when we were leaving the ski resort. We were in such a hurry that we had to buy and eat on board the coach.

Oh, and I also just found out that the Krispy Kreme franchise was bought by them. Just as well coz without good financial backing, there is no way one can survive the franchise fees etc, etc. How do I know? I almost wanted to attempt opening one here in Singapore, that's how. No, I was just dreaming that the franchise could come to Singapore and was skimming through Krispy Kreme's website. I think Singapore would be too small a market to open up 15 stores island-wide. Now I suspect I understand why Dunkin' Donuts moved to the island north of us.

Lotte World

Yesterday, went back home to give my neighbour's kid some stuff that I bought from Lotte World. It is a HUGE amusement park and I wish we had more time there. In fact, Lotte is a huge conglomerate. It produces foodstuff, it has a fast food chain...will touch on it soon. I know this is long overdue but I thought I would reminisce a bit.

We only arrived there in the very late evening and it just did not feel right to go to an amusement park at night. Anyway, we had the Big 5 tickets, which meant that we could go on any 5 rides. The tour guide told us that we could either follow him to take the monorail and then split up, or split up right away and explore on our own. We, of course chose the latter.

Every ride had a incredible waiting time of 60-90 minutes. We were so flustered coz we did not want to wait so long. Anyhow, we decided to take the Gyro Swing. It was crazy coz it was situated just by the Han River and when we sat on it, it felt like we were going to be thrown into the river!

The wait was long, very long and I had to pacify the others in the group who were waiting with me. At first, I was really worried as I was carrying quite a big bag (to put all my shopping into) but I soon realised that there were special boxes where we could deposit our bags while we enjoyed the ride. Unlike in the picture (which is not quite clear) there was a bubble plastic cover to shield us from the strong winds that were blowing.

The funniest part was that every time before the ride started, the person in-charge would say," Go, go, gyro, uh-huh!" That just made me flip every time!

I must commend these people who operate the games though, be it Everland or here at Lotte World, they have to maintain this happy, and sometimes high strung mood. They have to keep talking in between too, when they are 'loading' and 'off loading' people. Although, really, I have no idea what they were talking about as it was all in Korean. Even if it were in English, I would not have a clue as their accent is way too deep for me to catch just in a snap.

Anyhow, I might just go back to Korea once I have mastered the language.

What's wrong with re-visiting a place more than once? Episode 2

Last Friday, I happily told my Hong Kong friend that I will be going to Macau again soon. He had no reaction. Then he made some comment about how he couldn't understand why I re-visited the place so often. Why couldn't I go Vietnam or Cambodia or some other place like that.

Ohmigosh!! He said the exact same things like my colleague! So I must be a freak then, for visiting and re-visiting same place.

Hehe...but I enjoy being a freak, coz this time around, I will be the one leading the Shenzhen leg of our so-called tour. Dad will only be leading the Zhuhai bit and both of us, we are going to explore Macau some more.

Freak that I am, I am quite sure I am going to enjoy this trip. Already planned my die-die must eat food list so that we don't waste any time there at all. Plus there will not be any tour guide saying, "quickly, quickly, we only have half an hour here!"

Oh, and it still might be cold and so I can still show off some of my winter stuff :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

Just now, one of my colleagues was trying to describe the situation that they were in, work wise. They mentioned ashes and then one of them started saying that the phrase "ashes to ashes, dust to dust" would describe them very appropriately. She then stated, not quite surely, that the quote was from Shakespeare.

I offered that this phrase might have come from the Bible. She immediately said that it could not be, for if it were from the Bible, she would have known, definitely. She decided to Google to see what she could find out.

Sure enough, the phrase was from the Bible, but not really (so in that sense, we were both right). The phrase was adapted from Biblical text, Genesis 3:19 and the exact phrase can be found in the book of common prayers.

Well, I would like to think that I was closer to the right answer but that is only because I watch too many movies, where the cliched opening scene would be of a priest at a funeral, saying some prayers and this would be his starting line. It would pan from a wide shot, probably from up above and zoom down to the people who are attending the funeral, either the person who is crying or the one who is going to throw the rose into the coffin.

That said,last night, I was thinking about my own funerals again. This came about again probably coz Spacecake talked about why her father wanted St Mary's of the Angels to be his last resting place. Coincidentally too, it was during her Dad's funeral that set me thinking about my own, for the very first time.

You see, I am the only Catholic in the family. On the hypotheses that my parents are going to go before me, and that I am going to end up alone, I am wondering who can take care of my funeral for me. That is, look for the priest, make the necessary arrangements, yadda, yadda... .

I think I have it all mapped out like this: I would write in my will and ask one of my close friends (who happens to be a Catholic too) to settle it for me. As I was writing this, I also thought of something else: I might just end up in a hospice, waiting to die or something and the good Sisters there will then help me take care of everything for me.

I really don't know why I am so reflective about death at the moment. It could probably be because the Chinese New Year is coming. Some Chinese believe that death is more rampant when the end of the year is near. It's either you make it pass to the next year or you don't. Make no mistake though, for I am viewing death in a tres positive manner, not so much with foreboding. I feel that if I don't think about it once in a while now, then when?


My colleague got married last weekend. It was the most beautiful and special wedding. The church itself already defined the occasion as special. It was no ordinary catholic church. No, it was a three-sided arrangement and not your two-sides-of-the-congregation-with-aisle-in-the-middle sort of seating arrangement. The floor was graduated, which means that people behind could still see what was going on at the altar.

From the outside, it looked like a theatrette or the old Singapore Conference Hall (or any conference hall for that matter). Once one walked inside, one just cannot help but feel that one is in a very avante garde sort of place. As my friend's boyfriend put it, "It looks like a museum".

Jesus was not nailed to a crucifix. He was suspended in mid-air. The crucifix, you can only see when you completely lift your head up towards the ceiling, which to me symbolises the sky. One friend commented that the pool of water right in the middle of the church was purposefully positioned in such a way that it reflects upon the ceiling, symbolising living water, living God. Nice.

Everything was right about the wedding. The readings, hymns, etc were well-chosen. There were a few occasions where I had to stop my tears from falling, out of sheer happiness and joy for the couple. Beautiful mass that was beautifully celebrated. The priest was able to connect with the couple on a personal level, and also with the congregation. The couple had obviously planned everything with God in their minds and in their hearts. God was walking by their sides, holding them gently but surely, as they enter the sacrament of holy matrimony.

As I took the train back home, the hymn "We remember" stuck firmly to my head and I was humming it softly to myself. What a great hymn, for we not only remember God (as in the words of the hymn) but we remember the occasion as well.

Monday, January 14, 2008


That is the one thing I can look forward to this coming weekend.

Mahjong is the glue that has brought my extended family closer together. It is also a game that will always have a tinge of sadness looming over it (for me, that is).

It was 2 Chinese New Years ago when we were playing mahjong at my eldest uncle's home. It was a yearly affair, not a monthly one then. At that point of time, I used to think that the West end of Singapore was a little too far for me to travel to so often. That same year, my uncle caught a fever that would not go away. We found out later, that it was caused by an inflammation / infection of the colon.

Through the infection, we also found out that he had cancer of the colon. He lived with the cancer for one year or so and then he passed on just last June.

It was not easy at all for my aunt. While she played mahjong with us, my uncle cooked and played host. He would only play occasionally, letting his wife, my aunt, enjoy the game. He was her pillar of strength even though she was almost always the one giving orders and being the gungho one.

While it was during mahjong that this series of sad events unfolded, it is also mahjong that is bringing us back together. My cousin now arranges for regular mahjong sessions so that we could meet up and also keep my aunt company. It was not as if we were not close before either. They were the closest to our family, at least that's is how I see it. We used to stay next to each other and I am practically inseparable from my cousin. I also went to Hong Kong with the whole of my uncle's family in December 1997.

Whenever we go to her house to play, my aunt would cook up a feast! Yum!

I, I get to meet my cousin (the one I am closest to) and her lovely dog, Brownie a.k.a Ah Choy (which means wealth in Cantonese). Plus I get to brush up my mahjong skills.

Like I always tell my friends, do not underestimate the game of mahjong. It is a game that makes one think and strategise. Makes one alert and sharp.

I have nothing

Ok, this is bad, my mind wants to write and my fingers are dying to grab hold of a pen to write something.Anything! But when I set myself in front of the PC, I am totally blank.

Maybe I am also very, very bothered by the fact that my soon-to-be ex husband has happily carted away all the furniture from our house. Thought I could sell it away together with the house. After all, I paid for a lot of the stuff. The bed from Simmons, the chair from Ikea, the sofa set from one shop at Furniture Mall, the TV console from Cellini (my mum paid for it). I am just wondering how much more he is going to dig from me before he is satisfied.

Well, I guess it is not quite fair for me to say so too coz I don't know what is his logic for taking the furniture away. I mean, I should be fair and listen to his side of the story too. Anyway, if it was to be put at his mum's place, I don't feel so bad, but if he sold them to profit from it all, then I would feel real shitty. Real, real shitty.

My nightmare had begun about 3 years ago. In order to avoid confrontation, I feel that I have been giving in a lot. Too much. On the other hand though, from the Buddhist point of view (as my mum is Buddhist), I want to 'pay' all that I 'owe' him in my past lives and get it over and done with.

I am now relying on God's strength to help me go through and speed up everything. Being the procrastinator that I am, I really need it.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Between narcissism and insecurity

I have long had this theory (one of my own many) that people who cannot stop looking at themselves in the mirror, touching up their make-up and combing and re-combing their hair, were those people who were insecure.

You see, this theory evolved from the ladies' washroom. There are always these long queues and right where I stand at the end of the line, there are vanity tops for ladies to do their touch-ups. I would see these young girls. Fiddling and re-fiddling their hair, putting on more make-up, pout their lips and put some more.

This theory might have half grown out of jealousy for them being so youthful and yet, so much money to spend on 'grooming' themselves. It also came about as I was really irritated, looking at them posing and re-posing in front of the mirror.

Therefore, I decided that confident people don't need to stare at the mirror for too long. They touch up, put on lipstick, adjust their clothes, and go. No second thoughts.

Then yesterday, while talking with some girlfriends at a bar, one of them came up with a very interesting comment about how narcissistic she was. She would look at the mirror once she got into a lift (if there was one) and once, she used a car's side mirrors to adjust her hair, not knowing that the driver and passenger were in it! She would get any opportunity she could to look at herself.

Well, this certainly is the other side of the coin that I did not see. Maybe from now on I should not be stuck in that 'confident' theory and if I chose to stare at myself longer in the mirror, I would. I could then give myself the excuse that I am narcissistic. Hee, hee... .

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My weird theory about queues...of any kind

While waiting in a queue one day, I came up with this weird theory about queues1 This includes the cars waiting to turn or u-turn.

You see, why do we have such long queues? First of all, it could be that there were originally lots of people. Or, it could be that, those inconsiderate people have been cutting queue so that they have slowed other people down.

Same with walking on the right side of the passageway, say, at an MRT station.Why do people get irritated by the fact that the lane that they are supposed to walk on is very slow and thus, they walk the opposite direction?

It is exactly because, those people who were following directional rules, had to slow down for twerps who think they are very great and walk in opposite directions, that the 'flow' gets slower.

The next time you are thinking of cutting queue or walking against the flow, think again. Coz you are actually the nincompoop is contributing to the inconvenience.

Who is getting out of hand, humans or monkeys?

Yesterday, I was telling my colleague about how I go to the Macritchie Reservoir to trek. That this was my form of keeping fit.

She then commented on how there were so many monkeys and how they will snatch food from trekkers. She told me that she even heard the monkeys knew how to open people's bag to rummage through their stuff for food and any such stuff.

I then told her the appalling story of how my friend's back-up camera batteries got snatched away by monkeys while at Macritchie (or was it Bukit Timah Hill)?

After making a string of comments about how horrible and terrible this was, she made one comment that really stuck out: " That is why I don't go to these places. The situation is really getting out of hand."

What situation? If anything, I think we have invaded into the monkeys own natural territory and perhaps, in the eyes of the monkeys, we are the ones getting out of hand. She is obviously an urban junkie who does not appreciate nature. The nearest thing to a jungle she has come across is probably the concrete ones that surround her all the time.

Trekking, is to be in one with nature, and animals, are part of nature too! As much as they are snatching our food, we must still respect the shared space that we have with them. That's my take on it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Forgot to post about how this gentleman stood up to give his seat to me on the MRT. Very nice. Very chivalrous. Rare species indeed.

Come to think of it, I think this "chivalry is dead" phrase came about simply because of women's feminism. Well, we wanted equal opportunities and equal rights, no? There we have it! If we are all equal, why should the men give their seats up for us? They would have as much right to sit on it as us.

Nevertheless, it was nice to have been treated that way yesterday. Unfortunately, it will not be an everyday affair but a super, super rare treat. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Korean kraze continues...

My housemate was craving for Korean samgyetang last night.

"What's that?", you ask.

It's ginseng chicken soup. So we ended up at the Crystal Jade Korean Chicken and BBQ restaurant. We did not eat samgyetang in the end but we did have a very delicious meal of beef bulgogi and kimchi pancake. YUM! Food came with complimentary soup and fruits too!

Kimchi pancake

Beef bulgogi with gochujang on the side!!!

My new favourite

Walked into Gucci last weekend and found some fantastic finds. My housemate bought a pair of pretty orange shoes while I, I went to get my first Gucci wallet.

Lurve this brand but I have always tried to control myself, but you see, they were having a sale and the wallet has suddenly become affordable.

Therefore, here it is:

No,this is just the beautiful packaging and paper bag that I am soo going to keep!

Why Bedok must never have a shopping mall

One of my colleagues, who live in Bedok, was lamenting how Bedok should have a shopping mall built already. There is so much space and so many stores and yet, no mall. The nearest mall would most probably be Parkway Parade, which I must admit, is not too convenient at all.

Well, my theory to her that it must NEVER have a mall. Bedok is one of the cheapest place to eat and shop in the whole of Singapore (at least to me). Once they build a mall, food prices will go up (not that it has not already gone up. I am seeing my first $3 a bowl of noodles. It will go up some more). Car park charges will go up and groceries will also go up.

As it is, Bedok prides itself as a place where one can get value for money bargains. People take buses with hands full of Sheng Siong Supermarket plastic bags coz stuff there is just so dirt cheap.

No doubt that it is already a very mature neighboughood/housing estate but with all that tearing down and refurbishments going on island-wide, it will be in no time that this old charm will be gone.

Yes, it will take me twice as long to walk from one end of Bedok central to the other. Yes, we do not have air-conditioned bus interchange, but I would rather this than contribute to global warming. I would rather this than having to pay through my noise for basic things such as a bowl of noodles.

Comfort food

My own equivalent of pasta for comfort food, has to be the economic fried bee hoon that I eat almost every morning. I used to have variations: bread, MacDonald's, Burger King. Nowadays though, I find I cannot do without the very simple, yet tasty fried bee hoon.

Why is it economic? I do not know. It used to be that it was cheaper to eat this in a hawker centre than say, if one were to order something else I guess. Nowadays though, hawker food has rocketed sky high in the name of inflation (or is it?)

Anyway, the store I visit is super dirt cheap, at $1.70 for vegetables and luncheon meat or egg. Of course, if you decided to choose chicken chop of ngo hiang (minced pork wrapped in beancurd skin), it would be about $2. Even so, it is still considered cheap. In fact, I personally declare that it is the cheapest bee hoon in Singapore!

This store is situated at Bedok Central and it only sells bee hoon for breakfast. Come afternoon, they start selling roasted duck and roasted meat rice. It is a kind of time sharing thingy that is common here. Sometimes, the hawker does not want to tire himself/herself out by working all day or the food that they sell may be more suitable for lunch onwards. They then sub-let the store out for others to sell other types of food that is suitable for breakfast.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Some more thoughts...

Are there some days when you feel like you cannot go on? Like you feel so heavily burdened that you just don't want to do anything? Just want to lie down and rest...and rest forever?

I am feeling like that right now. Sometimes, I kinda understand why there are places that are set up, just for people to go and die. It's perhaps that they feel that they are at the end of the world, and that nobody can help them anymore...that sort of relief is the only form of relief that can help them.

No, I am fine with family and friends. It's just work that is weighing me down. It has made me feel that no amount of work is going to ever going to get me out of shit. That, plus a dead, non-existent love life. Ha! Can get a little potent.

My supe ever asked whether it is coz I lack confidence and the necessary self-esteem..well, perhaps. Perhaps...I should go write a book called "Where have I left my Courage/Confidence?"

Or is that a cliche title that too many have used?

Don't worry..I think. I just need to let all this out and then, life moves on.

Over expectation: Beauty World

Like I said in my previous posting, I was sooo looking forward to watching this musical. In fact, I was already humming the songs when I drove myself to the Esplanade. Well, can't blame someone who has waited 20 years to see it again!

Well, all that anticipation has turned out to be somewhat of a disappointment. That will teach me not to have such high expectations and anticipation in the future. I guess it is also because the original cast did such a good job that it has become a hard act to follow.

The cast was weak. They were not in-character for the good first half of the show. It was like, they were just going through the works. The supporting role, Lulu, was sluttier than the one I saw 20 years ago. The Lulu of 20 years ago, though was a cabaret girl, still had a bit of class. This one just reminded me of a 'Chao Ah Lian".

The show was given a much more localised flavour with tons of Singlish used. Not that dialect and Singlish were not used before, but the actors were much more articulate than this group. The very obvious character was that of Ah Hock. He had an accent that wreaks "Neighbourhood School" (I am sorry for generalising and being so opinionated, but SOMETIMES, they do have a certain way of pronouncing words that make one crinch). He really killed the song "Different World" by having bad pronunciations such as worries (pronounced it war-ries, instead of were-ries).

Sad to say too, the new scores that have been added for this 20Th Anniversary version did not go down well with me. I felt that it was out of syn ch (synchronisation) with the rest of the musical that it might as well have not been added in the first place.

At first, I thought it was written by another person, but it was not. It was written by Dick Lee, the maestro himself. The one who wrote the scores 20 years ago. The songs would have been good on its own, but not when it was strung together with the rest of the musical.

Due to the addition of new songs, they took out some original stuff. For example, the starting song "Beauty World" used to be repeated quite often (if I remember correctly). Starting, the end of first half, start of second half and at the end. This time around, it has been downplayed, diluting the whole musical, i.e. they took out the part before interval in order to add new songs. Well, it is after all, the heart and soul of the musical, describing and defining what kind of place Beauty World is. It is the 'thread' that holds everything together.I guess they felt that it was too repetitive and so decided to delete some.

That new songs were added meant that the duration of the whole musical was lengthen, and quite considerably too! We only walked out of the theatre at 11pm! As a result of that, I felt that the actors were rushing throughout the whole performance. Beats of songs were quickened by at least half and as a result, the song sung by Daisy, Lily and Rosie was half buried and swallowed for several reasons: 1. Poor articulation 2. Key too low (had to accommodate maybe) 3. Not using diaphragm enough 4. Rushing for time lor!

Without having the words articulated well, the meaning of the songs were lost. My friend, who was watching it for the first time said, "What the f*&k?" coz she could not really hear what they were singing.

Best singing would have to go to female lead Elena Wang . She had the strongest voice and my friend said, reminded her of Lea Salonga. I told her it reminded me of Emma Yong, maybe because from where I sat, she had Emma's frame and build.

Even then, I would discount her performance a little. As I feel that, in a musical, it is still a very teamwork thingy. By over-shining, one throws the whole performance off balance. A star does not try to make others look bad but is one that knows how to make others in the team seem to look as good as s/he is.

Anyway, I don't think that was her intention. She was also the most articulate but towards the end, her Aussie accent started to re-surface, albeit just a little.

Well, "Beauty world, cha cha cha! The ladies... . Beauty world, cha cha cha... .The music. Beauty World, the finest cabaret, Beauty world!"

Some thoughts

Ever felt alone even though you in a crowd or with friends?

I have been getting a lot of that lately and sometimes I really wonder whether it would be better for me to just be alone instead. At least the loneliness will not be so acute and I will not be so painfully aware of it.

At least, it does not feel like I am the gooseberry or the odd one out. I don't have to sit it out even though it may be excrutiatingly painful to be there, even though it is kinda obvious that I really should not.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

I hate

I hate guys who do not make their own decisions.
I hate guys who are not gentlemanly.
I hate guys who make girls wait.
I hate guys who make the girls pay.
I hate guys who make the girl do everything for them.
I hate guys who do not know how to treat girls right (like making sure they reach their destination safely).

Three's a crowd

Please, please remind me, that I should never go out with couples. Or at least couples that want private time or have no intention to spend time with friends. If they want couple time, then why ask others out?

If they want to ask others out, then they should be more aware of others and be mindful of body language and how they behave.

No, I will not go out with couples. Who make me feel like gooseberry and make me feel awkward and feel like I should be somewhere else other than with them.

I will only go out with couples who are interested in group activities.

Friday, January 4, 2008

What's wrong with re-visiting a place more than once?

Just a few days back, one colleague commented on how 'interesting' I was (she did not say weird but it was kinda written over her face)for wanting to visit a country more than once.

She cannot fathom why I would waste my time and energy, when I could save up to go somewhere else. To her, it is a complete waste of time and completely un-necessary. You see, I was planning to go Hong Kong or Macau again.

For me, it is different. I feel that no place is the same with every single visit and that there are always new things to see. New things plus a tinge of familiarity works well with me. I hate being in a strange place on my own (not that I ever really travelled alone, except for Melbourne 2 years back).

Yes, I could try Vietnam or Cambodia, but I think I need to be mentally prepared for that. If it were a short trip like this upcoming one, I would want to go somewhere where I know where to get my stuff. I would not want to waste time.

If it were really Vietnam or Cambodia that I was going, I would want at least 5 days and not just 3 or 4. I guess I move to a different beat to others. Always one or two steps behind, but always savouring what I see and have along the way.


It's a Friday...finally! It has been a relatively short week all thanks to the New Year holiday. Really looking forward to 6pm when I knock off work.

For this is the day that I am going to watch the local musical, Beauty World again! I watched it when it was first staged 20 years ago! This was THE musical that got me hooked onto all other musicals like Phantom, Evita, My fair lady, just to name a few. Besides, the scores were written by my favourite local artiste, Dick Lee.

After all these years, I can still memorise the lyrics of Single in Singapore and other songs in the musical. I think I am going to buy programme and CDs tonight. Not going to lose the CD again.

Will write more about it once I come back from it!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Battle of the handbags

I came first, I took my place.
Two stops later, you showed your face.
Place was squeezy, human arms galore.
Your owner kept pushing, fighting for more (space).
While I kept compromising, trying to make way.

There came a point, I couldn't stand it anymore.
My owner gave me a big tug,
And shoved you in the heart.

The sparring stops.
Both stand motionless.
You walk off with your owner.
Once again, I have become the sole bystander.
Of arms and armpits
And more bags galore.
Tomorrow again,
It's battle of the handbags once more.

[Inspiration for this so-called attempt at a poem came about because everyday, as I commute the MRT, I deal with horrible women, who use their bags to push their way around and do not even offer an apology. Rather than bitch about it, thought I would find a more creative way to express myself.]

The disciplinary master...

School has started and I just went back to my new place to stay. The students looked non-threatening (unlike some schools, who have gangsters for students).

What (or rather, who) greeted me at the traffic light was the disciplinary master of the school. He was standing by the wall, just observing.

My guess is that he was trying to catch students who jay walk. Me being the all dutiful me, decided not to jay walk this morning.

I did eventually though (jay walk, I mean) for I almost missed the bus. I was so intent on watching the red man turn green, I did not realise the bus has arrived. Thank goodness, the bus driver waited. Really, for that I am thankful in my own little way.

Timing was so good that I also managed to catch my train to work and arrived super early. It is going to be a beautiful day :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

MLM on New Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve, I was happily celebrating with my friends at a bar when my Dad called at one something in the morning.

"First of all, happy new year", said my Dad.

"Happy new year to you too!", said I.

"Eh, do you know that you dropped a stack of your name cards at Toa Payoh Central?", asked my dad.


"Ya, this woman called Mary just rang us up and said you dropped your name cards there and if you need it back to sms her." Dad continued.

"Ok dad, the only name cards that I have are those from office. They most definitely do not have my home phone number. The only other form of contact I have are those in sticker form with cutsy prints on it. They do not have my home phone number printed on it. This is not important, so we will discuss this tomorrow."

I am SOOOOO angry! I found out from my friend that this is the doing of MLM (multi-level marketing) people. They will call at weird hours and ask you to drop by their office to pick your namecard etc and do a survey at the same time.

I have met with another such similar situation before. I was happily walking down City Link Mall when out of the blue, this woman shouted out "long time no see! How are you now? Where are you working?"

I kind of just started work and was quite naive. I actually thought it was someone I knew (but forgot who they were) and gave her my contact number. I am not going to be fooled again this time!

What I was angriest with was that the woman had the cheek to lie through her teeth to a person who was so vulnerable: my DAD! Plus, I was angry that my dad actually went to believe this woman and was chiding me over the phone, on a new year's day morning, on why I was so careless.

Well, at least mum was smarter. When I spoke to her the next day, she felt that it was a scam too, as this person called so late.

New Year

Friends are all busy making new year resolutions. Me? I don't think I will be making any. At least not concrete ones.

Maybe just that I want to be free from all troubles and be happy.

New Year resolutions never really did work for me anyway.


Used to be very discriminating and think that only China Chinese spit anywhere and everywhere. Looks like our locals are doing it too, and with style.

I am just utterly disgusted and wish I could do something about it. While our economy is moving forward, our society is moving backwards. Back to the times when people were not so civilised.