Thursday, December 27, 2007

Dr. Martens

From a long time ago, I used to have doubts about claims made by products from the cosmetic companies right down to the shoes that I wear. It states at the sole of the DocMarts that I now proudly own that it is "oil, fat, acid, petrol, alkali resistant".

Never really believed all that bullshit even though I used to own a pair of 16-hole (or was it called eyelet) boots by Doctor Martens in my uni days. Gave them away when I returned from studies as I felt that I could never wear them in such hot weather.

Vain me was going on a holiday to snowy Korea. This was when the vain-ness really showed. Did not want to wear no track shoes!! It is another fashion faux pas for me. If you are 12 and below and wear track shoes on a holiday, you are forgiven, but not for me!!!

Had to choose one that looked decent. Asked around and some friends suggested DocMarts! Again, there were lots of going back and forth between shops, if it is not that I was undecided, it was that the shops did not have my shoe size. Sigh...the wrath of having small feet, the size of a 4.

Finally settled on a red pair of Mary janes (I even had to consult friends on the colour of the shoe! How fickle can I be??!!) Travel mate replied my sms to ask me to get brown ones but housemate suggested red coz it is more unique. Heehee..glad with my choice anyway.

The real test came when I walked on snow and believe you me, it had f*&cking good grip!!! Plus the gel soles create a bouncy cushion that allows the shoe to move to the momentum of your body. This decreases the aches and pains I experience with not so good shoes.

Now I am a believer. If anyone came up to ask me about shoes for winter, I would just say Doctor Martens. No two ways about it.

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