Thursday, November 22, 2007

Why am I such a stickler for rules?

This morning, as I was taking the MRT from Bedok, I was again mentally complaining about how people do not follow rules. There are designated 'sides' for them to walk so that there is some form of human traffic flow.

It was then that I realised that I grumble, comment and mentally police lots of, if not most things. People jay walking, people not standing on the right side of the escalator, people invading into personal space, how people should behave when they let other commuters out of the MRT/bus/lift, the list goes on.

It also suddenly dawned on me that this sort of attitude could have stemmed from too much of Captain Planet (cartoon) when I was young-er; to want to make things right and to do things the right way.Then I also realised that cartoons are not that bad after all as they are almost always good against evil. Even if the children do not see it now, they may see it years later, like me (though I know it is a little late, but better late than never!).

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