Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A bad case of salmonella

Almost forgot to post this one.

Recently there has been a bad press about a big cake and bakery chain. There were 106 cases of diorrhea that were traced back to their chocolate cake and it is found that their chocolate cakes contained salmonella. Today, all the outlets were ordered to close.

I was buying dinner (ham and cheese croissant) from another bakery and this lady in front of me was paying. She told the lady not to pack one of the buns that she had picked as there was egg in it (salmonella could be caused by meats and poultry that are undercooked, raw eggs and water that contains the bacteria).

I mean it is perfectly fine if the lady did not want that particular bun. What I did not like was that she was pushing the bun away with her bare fingers (not the thongs that she had on her tray) and that same hand was taking out coins from her purse!!!! She pushed the bun away from her like it was diseased.

I am just wondering if the shop assistants will put the bun back for sale or whether they would be ethical enough to throw it away. To throw it away though, would again be quite wasteful. Just don't understand why people can be so inconsiderate. Don't they know that their hands contain germs too? And that coins are very dirty??

At first, when I read about the salmonella case on the newspapers, I thought to myself that this bakery is in deep shit. It looks like the ripple effect has taken place and the bakery industry is in some ways affected.

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