Sunday, November 22, 2009

Views about life and relationships

It has been a crazy week, or even months, but I think God is helping me along, edging me on with every waking hour.

Other than going for my belly dancing and ceramic classes, I hooked up with my University friend on Facebook and we caught on over the phone. She too is now divorced but has just gotten married again because she got pregnant. She told of a long story of betrayed love. long court cases (still fighting at the moment) and the fact that she had little faith in love or marriage (even though she is in one now).

While I am happy for her that she is married and pregnant with child, I cannot help but feel that God was sending me a message: that I should really wait out and be patient with finding Mr. so-called Right. OK, I know, I am beginning to sound like Sumiko Tan from Straights Times, always lamenting about how she cannot find a decent boyfriend. No, I do not like her columns and no, I do not want to lament. I think I have come to a stage that I can say that I am comfortable with who I am at the moment and what I am doing in my life. There is no guarantee that I will not want to find someone special to keep me company somewhere down the road, but at least now, I am not worried or in such a hurry to find myself a partner.

Not sure if I have mentioned this before, but I am at the stage of self-discovery and at my age, learning to really live as a whole person. Sometimes, it is not easy,having to cope with parents, colleagues and so on, but every step is a learning process.

I am learning to truly live in, and learn from these learning processes and enjoying it every moment. If there were bad moments, I now have mum to fall back on, where previously we were not able to really talk to each other, she advises me on how to handle everyday human relations. We do not always see eye to eye but I feel real close to her just by having these heart-to-heart talks.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Living each day, feeling alive!

It's been yonks since I last blogged. Life has been really busy but fulfilling. No, I am not dating or anything like that. It's just that I have busied myself with lots of things: Classes for my diploma course on Mondays and Wednesdays; Belly dance class on Thursdays and now, ceramic art class on Fridays.

Yes, it is almost like I cannot breathe but I guess this is the best way to while away time and what better way to meet new people than to sign up for classes at the local community club?! I have met many of my classmates from both the belly dance and ceramic class, who want to make a career switch to my current profession. Lots of networking there and I think that is healthy enough, for now.

I think God has been good to me. What I lack in life, He makes up for it in other ways. I also fall sick less (touch wood) as I think my work environment is much better than my previous one. Now all I have to do is to wait for a guy to drop from the sky. NOT! I will take it in my stride and leave it to fate.

My focus is on my parents and grandparents at the moment. Nowadays, I tend to worry more about them. I will call back often to check on them and if they do not pick up, I get all worried. Not trying to gloat here but I am really happy to have bought a new t.v. for my grandparents. I saw that their television screen was turning yellow, a sign if it going kapoot. I did not buy it all buy myself though. I 'joined forces' with my Dad and no, we did not get the set from the Philips Carnival that just passed last weekend.

I am living each day, like it is the last (trying) especially when it comes to my parents. One never knows what is going to happen next and I do not want to live with regrets.