Thursday, December 6, 2007

Back track to 30th November

30th November was, in its own way, a day to remember. It was the closing of the library@Orchard, which was situated at Ngee Ann City.

This library, though not old and not so frequently patronised by me, brought back vivid memories.

I just came back from Switzerland. It was the new Millenia, the Year 2000. I was just wandering around Ngee Ann City when I chanced upon this place with a tranquil amnbience. I walked into it and it took my breath away. Never in my life did I ever imagine a library to be such a cosy place, and so different from other libraries. Not so...utilitarian. I even remember comparing it with the state library in Perth. That library, though big and impressive, did not command such an atmosphere. It made me want to linger, to soak in all that I could see and feel.

Later on, I was to use this library as an example during my job interview. I was asked what made me want to join the library. I told my interviewers that I was "inspired by the library@Orchard". The interviewers grinned and smiled knowing smiles at one another. They knew that that was their pride and joy.

Personally, to see the library close, is like lying part of my memory to rest. I may not have used it that often like the other 18-35 year olds (the specific target market of this particular library), but I certainly feel part of it. Now, I will not be able to point out to my next generation (if I am to have a next generation) that this was the library that inspired me.

There were tears shed that night as the door was locked and shut for the last time. There were staff who had been working there since day 1 when it opened. They could not bear to see it closed. Someone (one of the staff) questioned the need to cry and commented that there did not seem a reason to. What that someone does not know, is that the workplace has touched them (staff) in such a way that they feel they had to. None of us would know how much hardwork and effort was put in to run that library: the teamwork, the camaradie and so on. No, I don't think we have to right to question the outpour.

There were many occasions that night that I did want to cry too.Opportunities were aplenty as songs about good-byes and farewells were played. The sentimental crap person that I am really wanted to, but I did not. I held back. I cried in my heart instead.

Maybe it's because I don't to let people see what a sentimental fool I was. Or maybe, a special place needs a special way of saying good-bye.

Artists were invited to draw graffiti /works of art onto the glass walls of library@Orchard.

Our very own home-grown MCs (masters of ceremony) from NLB!

Performance by Olivia and friend (got to find out what his name is! Rude not to remember.Hahaha!!!)

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