Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The day thus far.

Guess what? I went to buy some more card stocks today. Crazy me! Going bongkus over paper and stuff. Could not stop thinking about it all day and grabbing ideas from all over for my layouts. If this is not addiction, I do not know what is.

Anyway, I came home to an empty closet as mum has packed most of my clothes and stashed those that I need in her closet. Sounds strange but that was to facilitate our part-time help to pack. Now I have got to shift my clothes back :P

Now that we are really going to shift in six days, feel a little numb and sad that I would be leaving this place. I just have to convince myself that it is for a bigger room. That should shut myself up!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Countdown to shifting

It is now exactly 7 days (or 1 week) to shifting from old place to new one. It is pretty exciting as I will have a slightly bigger room. Nobody would believe that my room is smaller than an HDB flat, but it is!!!!! I feel like a laboratory rat running around in circles within my own room!

Anyway, hope the Net will be up real soon after I shift, if not I will be so crippled! What happened to my laptop? The wired charger has gone berserk! It will not charge and I am afraid to use up all that battery. Sigh...time to send it to the Doc.

My view about posting other people's pics on the Internet

I am not sure whether it is the ex-Librarian in me or am I just so very anal, but I go law by law about things. Photos posted on the Internet is no exception.

Even as I post like crazy on Facebook and in my blog, I would ask for my friends' permission 99% of the time if I know that the picture with have them in it. I mean, doesn't the Facebook give a clause about whether we have used the pictures with permission or something?

It's the same when my Dad goes and buy cheap CD s/ VCD s from China. I thought it was pirated and frowned upon it. Only after I realised that it was produced locally in China (and therefore the cheap pricing) did I stop harrassing my Dad. Even so, I feel that the quality is not that good. Even his friends know that I am stickler for this intellectual property and piracy issue. He was once afraid to lend my Dad a pirated VCD knowing that I despised these products.

I also had to give my Dad a long lecture about the copyright laws (being then in the Library profession) when he attempted to photocopy a book wholesale.

Therefore, you can imagine how upset I was when I saw someone post pictures of many other people that I feel, she should ask permission first. Actually, I don't really blame her though coz my Chinese colleague had already put up my picture (taken with her) in her QQ space. I don't think many people realise that it is a violation of sorts but even if it is not, I just feel it is a form of courtesy.

That said, I am going to leave this topic to rest now. If not, people will think I am a naggy old hag. Or maybe they already do. Did I ever tell you that my Dad thinks that I am a police in my past life? Haha!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Yes I am! To scrapbooking. It is no cheap hobby but it makes me sit at home all day, trying to create a page that is nice and presentable.

Last Friday, I spent more than a $100 on materials, embellishments, rub-ons and such, but I suppose it is worth it. Besides, I found another shop which had a much friendlier atmosphere than Made with love. It is called Laine's Papetierie. Somehow the vibes were much better than the former shop.

I was really reluctant to start as I am very prone to the 3-minute interest. But I think that this scrapbooking is here to stay. In fact, I am doing 2 scrapbooks at the same time: one for my trip last December (long overdue) and one for my school assignment.

I still am not following any rules but I am getting the hang of adding stuff to an otherwise plain piece of paper. I still do not want it to look too cluttered but I think I am getting the hang of the whole scrapbooking thingy.

p/s: Sorry Wildswans, I have started on it, but we can still have a scrapbooking cum tea session. I think it will be fun!

Monday, July 20, 2009


Well, there are several things that I am excited about these days. One is that I am going to shift house soon. Yes, we sold the place and I didn't really talk about it as I didn't want to jinx the whole thing. I am superstitious like that.

Now that some time has passed, I feel that it is alright to say it out. Second thing to be excited about is that I am going away on a short break! Finally! After this short break which requires me to take a plane, I will then go away to Sunway Lagoon again in September. This time, it would be a coach trip. Love that I can go away, even if it is just a neighboughring country.

August would be a month of anticipation and change. Anticipation for the divorce papers to come through and change because we would be shifting. My house is now like a warehouse and we dug up tons of photos that we have long forgotten and did not know existed!!

Jurong Bird Park

Woah! It's been yonks since I last visited that place. Really, yonks! It is again in one of those God foresaken places and we had to take a long MRT ride there.

Somehow, I feel that it is not as 'commercial' as the Zoo as it only has one restaurant there and we had to search high and low for that one Ben & Jerry's ice cream cart.

Nevertheless, we enjoyed watching all the different birds perfrom and see them roaming about in their cages. My favourite were the penguins, of course! After all, I just bought a penguin plush from the zoo last week. Was very tempted to get a flamino plush toy but held myself back. Mum is going to scream if I buy anymore :P

One shitty thing was that my camera ran low on battery. It was quitea bummer. Nevertheless we were still able to enjoy ourselves. Will upload pics tonight!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Had a small BBQ last night. What was supposed to be a 15 people gathering turned out to be just 6 persons, and all girls at that!

We celebrated the final bbq at my place, my divorce, my new colleagues birthday. It was a small but rather meaningful party. Here are some pics!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Just in case any of you might need this, here is a list of Photo-me booths that I know of. I am going to do something lie Amelie of Montmarte but not to take pictures but to suss out where these booths are:

1. Sembawang MRT
2. Bugis Junction Level 3, outside Seiyu (sorry, it's called BHG now)
3. Orchard Tower
4. Plaza Singapore
5. Toa Payoh MRT
6. Boon Lay bus interchange
7. Thomson Plaza Level 2, diagonally opposite KFC (added 16 Aug 2009)

I will be re-visiting this post to add new venues.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Satisfied cut

Just in case it can be hardly noticed, I trimmed my hair. At a very cheap price at that! $8! My eyes nearly popped out when I heard how much. After I did some other stuff and it came up to close to a hundred. Even then, it is still very cheaper than when I was at Reds.

True, hair dye got to the side of my face and water splashed onto my face while my hair was being washed and there was only one cup of tea. There were no wet towels, no sultana biscuits. But if that could save me half my hair cutting cost, I would forego all these and just do it!! As long as it gets the job done! I was quite satisfied with the cut too.

This place is at Toa Payoh Blk 124. I think it is Lorong 1. Got to check again. I think I will be going there more often :)

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo...

Woah, ha, ha! After many, many yonks, I went to the zoo again yesterday! I brought my 2 China colleagues there and though it was a long and tedious journey, we had lots of fun!

By the time we finished work and got there, it was already 3 plus in the afternoon. We all wanted to see polar bears and such but got so fascinated by otters and lemurs, that we did not really finish the whole of the zoo. Plus, it started to pour at about 5.30pm. Thank goodness we brought umbrellas and I was in my num (new urban male) flip flops! They are so comfy and water friendly!

Even after they have announced that there were 15 minutes left to closing, we were still ambling along and taking pics like nobody's business. After all, there were lots of others still walking.

I think the Singapore Zoological people really has good business sense coz after it closes at 6pm, the Night Safari opens at 7pm. I was thinking: what to do within that one hour of free time (even though we were not going to do the Night Safari that day). Well, you shop at the souvenir shop! That's what you do! Or you eat at one of their food outlets for you are so in a God foresaken places that there is little choice but to eat what is available there. We did not though. I bought stuff and then boarded 138 back towards civilisation. Hee!

Oh, let me explain about visiting the Night Safari and so on. You see, we decided to go for the park hopper tickets whereby we pay a discounted price to go to three parks: Singapore Zoo, Night Safari and the Jurong Bird Park.

So next week, check out the updates on Jurong Bird Park as we will be heading there.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In the first place

Hee! I just realised that I used a lot of the phrase "in the first place" in my posting called "live and let live"

Just thought it so funny that I had to post it! (+0+)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Sometimes I really wonder, whether those bitches out there really know that they are bitchy at all. I have a colleague who tells me that she has no self confidence and yet, when it is called for (when I am on MC) she needs to stand in for me and perform stuff that cajoles quite a fair bit of self confidence.

Never mind that. She would leave me a lot of 'shit' to clear and yet, get the buy-in of my boss, so much so that whatever shit stuff that she does, she can do no wrong.

I don't know what you would call this but I call it two-faced. I sometimes also wonder whether she is secretly very happy that she managed to do my duties (even though she claims she has no confidence and low self-esteem).

I also wonder whether she knows that her actions are categorised as bitchy (in a way): saying one thing in front of me but doing something else altogether; get your defences down first and then attack. Oh! And need to get everybody pity first too!!!

On top of that, this colleague comes across as superficial. Her smile can freeze my whole freezer as it is so fake and lack warmth. I am glad I soon will not be facing this type of person in my daily life soon. Then again, there a lot of such sorts looming around the world. I guess she just appeared in my life to give me some starter training.

Mush in the head

There is a storm growing internally within me these days. There is a lot of negativity within me which I need to get rid of.

The insecure part and non-confident part of me is talking to me (a lot) again. I keep asking myself why am I always falling short of expectations. Even when i swim, I can never do a full length of freestyle. I will do about half or three quarters of a pool and then give up by switching back to frog style.

There are also times that I feel that I talk a lot of bull crap and then, fall just short of delivering. At my age, I am beginning to worry if this is going to stay with me forever and if so, then I wish not to live. For I get this feeling that I am spending my whole life trying to catch up with others but always falling short of expectations or when I have barely just reached (imagery) the finishing line and everyone is off again, achieving something greater than me.

I used to tell myself that it is OK, that I want to live longer than other people and would want to take things easy. I am beginning to worry that I have been telling myself a big fat lie all along.

I also feel that this insecurity has to stop and I feel that I should somehow go back to my childhood and find exactly what it is that made me feel this way and undo it.

Well, I suppose only a shrink will be able to do that. He/she would probably hypnotise me and then ask me to do some silly such stuff and 'undo' the bad stuff that I feel about myself. While he/she is at it, I would also him/her to see what it was in my childhood that made me such an undisciplined person that I am today.

I used to think that I was carefree. Now I feel that it's coz I am really lazy. I used to think that I wanted to be unique, to stand out from the crowd and not follow what everyone else is doing. Now, I don't know... .

Sounds like a whole plethora of junk in my head? Well, that is exactly how I feel right now. Despite though, let me tell you, I still want to have a little bit of sunshine. For sunshine to me, represents hope. If I am void of even hope, then there really won't be a point in continuing life's journey anymore.

Sigh...then again, all these junk could be PMS.