Friday, May 16, 2008

Who's sitting next to you?

Just like what one of my friend said in her blog about her idiosyncrasy, I have a little one of my own: I think that whichever girl sits beside the guy who drives the car, stakes claim to him. I feel that it is an unspoken power thingy that says silently that, "This guy is mine".

Let me attempt to paint you a clearer picture. This usually happens among three persons: me, another girl friend and this other guy (who happens to be the driver). We would be going out and then somehow, my girl friend ends up sitting next to the guy I like while I am being 'shoved' behind the back seat, like a child.

Actually, this only happened twice in my life: Once in Uni and the second time, recently. Very recently. Every time it happens, my heart just drops and falls into the depth of infinity and takes one full minute to get back again.

The idiosyncrasy probably came about also because of the way I was brought up. I was always told to let the adults sit in front and so, I would try to offer the more senior among us (friends, whosoever) before taking the seat myself.

If, like in the said scenario of three persons, my girl friend just plonks herself in the front passenger seat, somehow, I will get upset. For it is like she is telling me from her actions to stay away from this guy.

Am I repeating myself again and again? Sort of. Well, maybe that's because I am still upset, a little. Perhaps, I am taking it too seriously and need to lighten up, haha!

Suddenly, I am just wondering if the reverse is also true? Can I then stake claim to the guy who is sitting next to me when I drive? Hahaha! I wish... .

p/s: when I say girl friend, I mean a friend who is a girl. OK? :)

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