Friday, May 9, 2008

Friday blues?

It's a Friday. I am supposed to be out on a Friday. One friend has Salsa, the other's watching marathon horror movies. Yet another has got dinner plans for part A of the evening and then movie plans for part B of the evening. What plan do I have? Nothing. Part A+B friend even suggested Part C whereby we can meet for karaoke at 11.30pm. Think better not though, coz I have a full day of mahjong tomorrow.

The only possible plan now is to have dinner with mum. Then go see and feed cats. I know this sounds bad but I rarely meet up with mum or dad on Fridays. I reserve Saturdays or Sundays for them, but Friday is supposed to be my Part-y day.

Oh well, it is partly my fault, did not plan ahead. I think this Friday party day started during uni days. My course was such that Fridays were practically free if I managed to grab tutorials on the right days. Even if it were not totally free, I would probably only go for half a day of tutorials.

My routine would be to have dinner at with a group of friends, return home to 'doll' up. Hit the karaoke joint and then proceed to a club after 2am when the Karaoke joint closes. I would even tell the karaoke joint owner that I will see him at the club later. After he closes shop, he and his staff will go there too! I would dance till 6am when the lights at the club will be turned on and we are in time to see the sunrise.

By then, we will be dead hungry and would probably go to MacDonald's to buy some breakfast before going up to King's Park to watch the sun rise (or what's left of it :P) Sometimes, if we were super crazy, we would head down to Canningvale market (which is only open on weekend mornings) to get our week's worth of vegetables.

Of course, those were exceptional occasions. Usually we would just buy breakfast, head home, eat and knock out for a good half of the day. A bit like vampires. Sounds crazy I know, but where I was studying, was a little too...calm. We needed some form of activity to keep ourselves sane from all that studying.

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