Friday, February 1, 2008

How bizarre, how bizarre

I was watching China Fastforward on Discovery Travel & Living (cable) last night and found the whole show rather bizarre.

Here was a Chinese tv presenter being brought about by a Caucasian man telling the Chinese about the history of China and pointing out which chair Chairman Mao sat (you see, this Caucasian guy, called Norris, bought many of these historical sites and turned them into restaurants).

Anyone who did not know what was going on would go,"What the fish? Doesn't the Chinese know his roots?"

That was what I thought too, except I knew that David is an American-born Chinese and probably knows less about Shi Huangdi than the Caucasian guy (or ang moh, as we like to call them. Not a very nice way of calling though. It is kind of equivalent to the word chink).

It is STILL really quite bizarre though for the ang moh seemed to talk with an air of superiority and as if he IS Chinese, when in actual fact, he is not. I suspect, most of what he knows are from history books, recounts of the past that can only be imagined and not truly experienced. I can only say then, that he is a very good storyteller.

What is more ironical is that on the surface, he seems so knowledgable about the Chinese culture and history and yet he is using it against the Chinese in that he is earning their money,'making use' of them.

Of course, I exagerate a little. Plus, as I am writing this, I am still confused about the whole relationship of the ang moh and the American-born Chinese. I can only boil it down to the amalgamation of cultures...for the moment.

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