Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blood test and fainting

Hate the annual health screening but it is a necessary evil. I went for mine on Monday.

I had to starve from 12 midnight onwards and the most dreaded part was the blood taking. I hate needles. I do not mind looking at blood but I absolutely hate needles. What usually happens is that I try not to look and think about it.

I was in the queue and there was this Indian staff having her blood taken. Before the actual act of blood-taking, she already looked like she has scared the shit out of her own skin. Worse still, the nurse did not manage to draw blood out of her. He had to re-poke somewhere else. He was swapping her arm with alcohol (again) when I saw her roll her eyes and the next thing I know, her head went limp and she was slumped out of her chair.

That was freaky coz I have never really seen someone faint before. I have only seen my friend get fits during my Pre-uni school days but fainting like that, it was a first for me.

I am just wondering what the feeling would be like when one is about to faint and has fainted. I have never had the chance to faint. Not that I really want to, unless there was a very handsome guy to catch me when I fall. Hahaha...and I mean it!

Anyhow, my only motivation was that I could get to drink my packet of Milo once the blood taking was over. Believe you me, I actually lurve Milo and I believe that it actually is an energy booster!

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