Thursday, January 24, 2008

Commitment issues and such.

It might seem far-fetched to link mobile phones with commitment issues but I am just going to do that. How did I come to this conclusion? It all came about in the spa parlour that I had my massage at.

It was my off day yesterday and I have booked myself a slot to do massage and facial. It bloody took my whole afternoon and a big part of my day off! Then again, that is another story.

I was given the lavender massage oil as it will help me relax and I was drifting in and out of sleep peacefully, until, this stupid woman came in for her own session, bringing her mobile phone into the massage room with her and having long and loud conversations about which stocks and shares to buy. No really, I did not need that. there was one time when I got a shock and thought it was my own alarm when her phone rang. You see, I use my mobile phone as an alarm clock too.

My thought at that moment was that, if you have already committed yourself to relax and give yourself some me time, then why torture yourself (and others) by picking up the phone and 'stressing' yourself out with all the calls. Personally though, I think she quite enjoys the 'stress'(which is why I put it in inverted commas) as she wants the whole world to know how 'important' and asset rich she is.

It is like those people who attend courses and yet still pick up phone calls from their mobile phones. It doesn't matter if s/he walks to a corner to whisper. That in itself is an issue. You signed up for the course and made a commitment to attend it. Honour your commitment.

It is also like those parents who are so-called having some family time but yet, time and again, picks up business calls and discusses work over the phone. You say you cannot help it, but you actually can. It is a choice that you make.

In the previous spa parlour that I went to, posters were put up to remind customers to switch off their mobile phones. They are encouraged not to pick up any calls at all. In that way, they do not disrupt their own therapy session and they do not disturb others.

In the restaurant that I used to work at in Switzerland, my boss pasted posters around the restaurant telling customers not to use their mobile phones too. If he ever hears so much as a ring, he will come out from the kitchen, pull the customer aside and give the person a good warning and a lesson on etiquette.

I have always tried to stick by the rule of "do unto others what you have others do unto you". I will continue to do so.

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