Wednesday, January 16, 2008


OK. So I wasn't wrong when I said that Lotte was a conglomerate. Just check out their website and you will see what I mean.

They have got lots and lots of different chocolates and candies. I did not even know where to start when I was at their 7-11/ Family Mart.

Then of course, there was Lotteria. My travel mate could not figure out "what the hell is lotteria?"

Well, I figured that it could be Lotte + Cafetaria. I also figured out that they like to add "ia" to the back of words or the word "pia" to the back of words to mean something. Words like waterpia, space pia, for example. I reckon the word "pia" must mean world or something close to that.

The only time when I ate Lotteria food was when we were leaving the ski resort. We were in such a hurry that we had to buy and eat on board the coach.

Oh, and I also just found out that the Krispy Kreme franchise was bought by them. Just as well coz without good financial backing, there is no way one can survive the franchise fees etc, etc. How do I know? I almost wanted to attempt opening one here in Singapore, that's how. No, I was just dreaming that the franchise could come to Singapore and was skimming through Krispy Kreme's website. I think Singapore would be too small a market to open up 15 stores island-wide. Now I suspect I understand why Dunkin' Donuts moved to the island north of us.

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