Monday, January 21, 2008

What a day!!

It must be a blacker than black Monday ever! Even having the car did not save me from being late.

Started our from the house at 7.30am. It should be quite safe to allow 1 hour for travelling time, but no! Just as I turned into TPE (Tampines Expressway) the vehicles started to crawl. I was stuck there for a good half an hour or so before my car could travel at 70 km/h (instead of the usual 90 km/h).

As I was listening in to the radio while stuck in the jam, I came to know that there was a glitch in the SMRT station. It was more than a glitch actually. The maintenance train that was supposed to maintain things needed maintenance itself!

Haha! What am I talking about? The maintenance train got stuck between Tanah Merah and Simei station and could not move.

That is disastrous! You can imagine what chaos it has caused. Let me tell you anyway (as I have been in such a situation before). It will be train after train loads so packed with people that one is actually smashed against the door. That is if you are lucky. If not, you may have to wait for one, two or even three trains to come after that before you can attempt to board.

As I made an exit at Upper Changi Road, there was another bottleneck jam. Shoot! Going to be late for sure this time. No use fussing or worrying. Better to concentrate on driving.

Almost got 'kissed' by this ugly blue0ish, green-ish Nissan Latio. He was filtering out from a minor Road (Loyang coming out to ECP)and he went over the floor divider (this triangular looking thing that is painted on the road to make sure cars keep to their lanes as they are filtering out).

OK, so I let this SBS bus filter out illegally like that, but that's only because, IT IS A BUS! For one, it is too huge a vehicle and for another, I could afford to let a whole bus load of commuters save some precious time. Bus driver was also kind enough to make sure I gave way to him. It was a mutual understanding.

This, this stupid Nissan Latio, just charged out of no where (from my blind spot) and nearly knocked into my left bonnet. Even after I horned at him and gave him a dirty look, he still charged right on, making known that I should give him way, What arrogance!!

What can I say? Our traffic police are so good and efficient on our roads, you cannot see them when you need them. Besides, if you do spot them, they are probably busy reasoning to some distraught fellow as to why they need to write them a speed ticket.

As I was about to turn into my work place car park, this traffic police (there you go)was waving instructions to tell me to park elsewhere! Man, I thought the car park was already closed last week. Are they still renovating the whole place? What is taking them so long? I made a detour to park elsewhere. What made me boil was when I passed by the said 'closed' car park and found cars parked there! From what I figured, it's either the barrier or card reader that is not working or they are trying to regulate traffic flow. You see, this car park has got 2 gantries and there is practically always a jam.

It was the last straw when I arrived at my office. The staff lift had a maintenance sign put up at the door. Well, it is a 22 year-old lift. Can't blame it for breaking down like that. Anyway, it id not so often that it breaks down. I was not going to climb 3 flights of stairs. Too tired from all that driving and negotiating. Decided to work at Level 1 instead. There are PCs there too.

Well,after all this drama, I think the rest of the day should be better. Hahaha!

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