Saturday, January 24, 2009

Four boxes and much muscle ache later...

(The red box is less visible due to poor camera phone, poor lighting and the red being!)

Went to Ikea on Thursday (22nd Jan) and went crazy, shopping. I was so stressed out for most parts of the week and was driving homeward when I thought, "What about going to Ikea today? It's not a weekend and there definitely would not be a big crowd!"

So I drove myself there. So much space, so many things and so little people. OK, maybe not so good for the business but I guess it's the weekday crowd anyway. I saw the LEKMAN boxes that I have soooo wanted to buy before and grabbed five all at once. Kind of regretted it immediately as I did not have a trolley and had to separate them into two yellow carrier bags instead.

Also went insane at the children's department. There were these plastic bowls for kids but I grabbed them for my own purposes instead. Was going to put my costume jewellery and watches and since there were six of them bowls, I would think of what other else I can use it for if I really cannot use them all at once.

Then I spotted puppets. Took the pig, the lion, the funny-looking rooster and the lamb. I did not care if I could not claim for such things but they would definitely come in useful in my work. Just GRAB!!!

Last items grabbed were the CD boxes, and that was after much deliberation as to which type to take. There were just so many different materials and choices to choose from!

When I reached home, I could not wait to assemble the boxes. After all, it's plastic and it should be easy to fix, right? Wrong!! I almost cried and my muscles ached like hell trying to fix up one box. I was so afraid that the plastic would break and so had to use extra, extra care.

I was determined though. I fixed three boxes at one go, but I was still really bad. I was still playing the guessing game and girlie me was just so bad at looking at the instruction manual. It was only the next night while I fixed up the fourth box that I got it quite right.

Still need practice though but too bad I am down to the last box. Meanwhile though, I am having fun arranging the red and transparent boxes around on my EXPEDIT shelf.

Well, this year, it is really spring cleaning for me before the Chinese New Year. Never really believed in any spring cleaning but it felt good re-organising and making things...'disappear'.

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