Saturday, January 24, 2009

Advice from a 60+ year old blogging dad

Our home printer that starts with "H" had died on us. When I called Dad after work last night, he told me he was headed for Funan to hunt for a new one.

Rushed down to make sure he got the one that I preferred (Hee!), which was the brand that starts with an "E". According to my ex-housemate, that was the closest to true colour (or something like that). One of my classmates told me that it was the only ink printer that did not smudge when water spills on the print. Cool!

We took the bus home and lugged the new 'toy' along. Dad was funny coz he thought he was just going to check out the prices and was not going to buy any that night. I managed to convince him otherwise.

I had so many stories of my kids to tell that I started telling him all about them, one by one. Their good points and bad ones and how each and every one of them have touched me in their own special ways.

Suddenly, he just told me casually, "You know? You should start a blogspot on your kids."

I replied that I do not want to blog about work as I don't think it is ethical but on second thoughts, I can actually make my blog private and only invite the exclusive few to read, if they are interested.

I am still contemplating about starting another blog, but most of all, I am still very amazed at how my Dad had become such a fan of blogging. Or rather, how he has succumbed to the urge of 'telling the whole world'. :P

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