Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What a jinx!!

My ex-housemate (ehm), her hubby and I went to Haji Lane after we have moved all my stuff back home that day. We took an MRT from Yishun area as we returned the van somewhere there. We were about one of two stops after Yishun when there was this announcement that said that the MRT service would be disrupted due to some faulty doors or something like that. Both me and my ehm laughed our heads off and playfully blamed it all on her husband.

We have long come to this conclusion that her husband brings about quite a lot of bad luck. He can be quite a jinx (and I mean it in a friendly way). When I first got to know him, I sprained my leg while climbing the Bukit Timah Hill when we went trekking. My car (when it was 2 weeks old) got scratched a little while he was sitting in it.

There was this other time (and this was told by my ehm to me) when my ehm and him were taking the MRT (again) and halfway through, the light that he was standing under flickered and went out. Not the other lights but just the one above him. Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then to top it all off, I had stomach upset and puked that night after we ate at that Egyptian restaurant at Haji Lane. The food there is really nice BUT I really don't think I will eat there again for a long time. Could he have jinxed it too? Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

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