Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Had a real bad quarrel with mum two days ago. She had helped me buy the EXPEDIT shelf from IKEA, for which I am thankful.

She had also very kindly temporarily moved my ex-shelving to her room. She also very kindly replicated how I put my stuff in my room. For that I was thankful.

Two days later though. I found that all the shelves and stuff in her room had disappeared!!!!

I panicked. Then I went into hysteria mode. There were letters. Free tickets and stuff that were important. Then there were those stuff that I have not packed onto the new shelves, that appeared on it. I hate that. Anyway, that was how I found out that my things had been moved.

I went into my room, saw stuff that were on my new shelves and went into my mum's room to find that the old shelves were gone. I admit that I am not the neatest person in the world, but I can find my stuff. With the order of things messed up, I was on the verge of a total nervous breakdown.

I had originally wanted to categorise and pack my stuff over the coming weekend, but now, I was at a lost.

This is not the first time that mum has 'meddled' with my stuff and it is also not the first time we quarrelled, but I think it is by far the worse of all quarrels.

The worst part is that she hears but she does not listen. I asked her why she went to touch and move my things and she went around telling my dad that I said she "threw" away my things.

No point arguing though coz in the end, I might have two persons pointing accusing fingers and screaming down at me at the same time (mum + dad).

What did I do?? I just locked myself in my own room and screamed my head off and bawled loudly. Kind of like what my kids do. Except, I never could fathom why they can bawl and scream like that until two nights ago. It must be a great relief to be able to do that.

I am not proud of what I did but I guess this was a chance for me to experience what my kids feel, first hand. After that, you get real exhausted and you sleep like a baby.

Sigh...the day that all these squabbles and all this touching of my stuff will stop, is the day that I have the ability to move out of the house (which is like never, from the looks of it).

Oh yes, a speaker at this talk once said to accept your child's abilities. It does not mean that you are a fast-paced person, that your child is expected to be one. Let them learn and grow at their own pace. Wish my mum would let me do that (do things at my own pace that is. Not that I have much to grow except for sideways). I almost also remember to let my kids do that too.

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