Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Concerts, musicals, awards and such

Gosh!!! There are so many performances coming to town that I really do not know which one to go to. Worse of all is that I cannot go for all of them!

First of all, Rihanna is coming to town!! Not sure if any of my friends would be that interested to want to go and see her but I am prepared to go alone. The price is a little steep though. I am also waiting a little longer before purchasing the tix. I do not want them to pull a Robbie Williams on me. You see, he was supposed to come and we bought tix and all only to hear that he was cancelling his tour to this part of the world. There were refunds and all that but it was quite a big disappointment.

Then, another friend wants to see Kylie. Her, I am ok. Won't die if I don't see her concert. Besides, she cancelled before too! That was only coz she found out she had breast cancer just then.

To tell you the truth, the last time I saw one of these pop/ contemporary Western singers come, was when New Kids on the Block came to Town. Hahahahaha!!!! Don't laugh alright? They just came out with their comeback album and my childhood schoolmate, who now lives in the States, just went for their concert! I can't believe that after all these years, she is still so into them.

Then there is the musical, Cinderella, which is performed by Lea Salonga and a whole stellar cast from Broadway. That, I would very much like to watch too.

There is also the Singapore Hit Awards which my colleague is very interested in going.

Sigh...decisions, decisions. I would give Rihanna 90% affirmity of going and Cinderella 80%. As for Hit Awards, I will see what my colleague says tomorrow.