Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Nosey business

I have been having a bad case of post nasal drip cum infection for the last week or so. My left nose had been semi-permanently blocked. I have been roughing it out as I know that if I went to the Doc's, he would simply prescribe me with the same old antibiotics that would cure me for a while but then, I will be back to square one in no time.

Instead, I chose to queue up for an appointment to see the Chinese doctor (Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM in short) instead. I really believe that it is time my immune system faced up to its challenge to fight all those infections. The price for all these ra-ra talk and thoughts? Whopping cough ever so often throughout the day. I am coughing so bad that my stomach hurts and I have to remember to remind myself to squeeze my kegel muscles so that I would not be peeing like a helpless baby. I sometimes have to rush to the toilet as my lung, nose, ears whatsoever are so filled with mucus that I had to throw it all up.

Sorry, grotesque I know but I somehow I feel that writing about it will make me heal faster. Haha!

How do I avoid embarrassment in public? I use the story book that I am reading to block my whole face while I coughed away. I know, I should use a mask. Now, where did I put it...?

Wish me luck, my appointment with the TCM doc is tomorrow evening. With much luck, I would heal soon and 'tune' my body till it's able to withstand all sorts.

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