Sunday, January 31, 2010

Home cooking

I had a lazy day today, but I would say, quite productive in the morning. I walked from home to Pek Kio Hawker Centre with my Dad to have breakfast. After that, I bought some very nice and fresh romaine lettuce and mushrooms to cook for lunch.

We then walked to City Square Mall (again!) to get some bacon and some stuff from Popular Bookstore before taking the free shuttle home. Technically speaking, we did not spend a cent on transportation.

The dish I cooked up was, in my opinion, was yummy! I just thought it off my head but I suppose, there was a little inspiration from watching "Jamie at home". He was cooking romaine lettuce the other day and I felt I had to get me some to cook too!

I fried the garlic first with olive oil and mixed it with Aminos (the equivalent of soy sauce in my household). Then I mixed all the linguini into the sauce. My inspiration came from those balsamic vinegar salad dressings that I so often see the chefs make on Discovery and Living Channel.

Next, I fried the bacon bits that I have chopped up earlier from the streaky bacon that I bought. Sweat it out a bit before finally putting in the romaine lettuce. Gave it a good stir and then put it on top of the linguini. Yum!

Last week, I cooked hairy gourd with dried scallops. Thought it was very good for a first-time experiment, except Dad did not like the fact that I did not have vermicelli. He said, that would have made more a Cantonese dish. I told him that this was an updated (and my own) version of the take on the "auntie marries off her daughter" (the name of the dish. We usually use dried shrimps and vermicelli to fry with the hairy gourd. Except that I did not particularly want to eat or cook vermicelli that day. Felt it was something that was not easy to handle/cook.

I find that as I get older, I am more prone to experimenting with food and this cooking thing is growing on me. I have not gotten the oven yet but when the time is right, when I am ready to do more baking, I think I would invest in one OK one. Then there are the mixers and such...the list goes on. Must focus on Amsterdam trip!

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