Sunday, February 22, 2009

Smile and live the adventure

I was talking to a friend today and from what this friend was saying and doing, I suddenly had an 'ah-ha' moment. This friend (let's call the person A), to me, is not really living in the moment and is looking for a feeling, a process, that A feels should be sort after. By searching for these feelings and ideal situations, A (to me at least), already lost that moment.

Maybe to put it simply, A is not living in the present.

It dawned on me that life is an adventure, journey or what you might like to call it. No matter how bitter or sweet it is, I, at least I myself, should enjoy doing it. Or rather, I should try to be "present" in that experience, no matter how horrible or good it is.

It is in being fully present that I can come out of the experience, hopefully a better person, as in, I have experienced it (not necessarily in an advantageous way, say an argument, for example. I might have lost it). I learn from it. Hopefully then, I would become wiser, and thus a better person.

Sounds too philosophical in my own silly way? Perhaps. Maybe it is because I am just going through that sort of period in my life right now.

I am calm and happy, but in that calmness, I am a little worried whether this is the calm before the storm. Yet I know that even if the storm does come, I should still be able to weather it.

To all my friends and whoever is reading this: smile, if you are facing a very happy phase in your life and smile, if you think you are going through the worst. It can be a cynical smile at first but if you tried harder and genuinely smiled from the heart, I think you would realise a smile can take away a lot more stress and worries than you think it could :)

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