Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I am going to give myself a hug and brace myself for bigger things to come. I must also give myself a very belated pat on the back for finally doing something that I should have done half a year ago (although some might think I may not be worthy of the pat).

I arranged for an appointment with the lawyer. I am finally going to file. I did state that quite recently in one of my postings and I guess if one says it enough times, one will actually take action.

I guess I am the biggest procrastinator in the world but I just can't be rushed into things I guess. I suppose that it will be a big closure on a chapter of my life that spanned a good eight years.

Will I be more daring then? Will I be more ready to plunge into love? I am not sure. The sanguine part of me feels that I my have missed the boat, but the optimistic part of me...tells me that there is hope yet.

1 comment:

  1. A thousand huzzahs for ya! I'm proud of you, girl!

    And believe you me, there's always hope for all of us. Just have to be patient for what's to come. :)
