Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Shape up!

OK, I know that is a lousy cliched title, but I really do mean it!

I went to sign up for an aerobics dance class and a hatha yoga class at my community club yesterday. Time that I shaped up. I feel that I cannot go on living life like this anymore. I used to hike a lot but ever since I fell out with my ex-housemate (cum friend), I could not really find any other person who is as accommodating as she is. You see, my legs are not long. When a person is taller than me (which is often the case), their one step is my two steps. I take twice the effort. She and some of my old hiking friends, were the ones who would stop or wait up for me a little. I get a little out of breath too, given my slightly asthmatic condition and so, I was very appreciative.

Since I am going to live a life of celibacy, might as well just get used to the idea of doing things alone. Or, if I do not want to live a life of celibacy and want to attract the opposite sex, then I better start shaping up. Actually, I am now doing this a lot more (90%) for myself as I do not want to be ridden with illness when I grow older.

These two activities only cover two fifths of the average exercise days that I should be having, which is 5 out of the 7. So, I am still trying to look for other activities to fill my evenings and perhaps, weekends.

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